Case results (examples of improvement by HIRONOBA EXERCISE + YOSHIRO SOCKS)

Commentary by a toe doctor

Keiro Yuasa

Physical Therapist, Doctor of Toes, Director of Toe Research Institute, President of the Japanese Society of Functional Foot and Toe Therapy, and developer of Halmek shoes. Former director, vice president, and medical director of General Hospital. His specialties are exercise physiology and anatomy. He is also a foot and shoe specialist and a leading expert in postural occlusion therapy. He has cured various orthopedic diseases (over 70,000 people) with toe therapy alone.

Keiro Yuasa is fond of saying, "Only you can change your own body. In other words, you can change your own body by yourself. The patients introduced here are all people who have changed their lives by themselves through steady toe treatment. Believe in your body and let's return your body to the way it was when you were healthy!


spinal cord injury

Re-acquired gait from bedridden complete paralysis

hironoba gymnastics + YOSHIRO SOCKS

My life changed forever after I began rehabilitation with Dr. Yuasa. I was diagnosed with a spinal cord injury and was told at the hospital that I would have to live in a wheelchair for the rest of my life, but Dr. Yuasa helped me make a miraculous recovery. After receiving rehabilitation from Dr. Yuasa, my life began to shine.

cerebral infarction

He was told that he would never be able to walk again. He recovered from being bedridden to being able to walk with a cane.

hironoba gymnastics + YOSHIRO SOCKS

After a stroke at the age of 80 completely paralyzed the right side of my body, I was told that I would be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of my life and would be forced to live a bedridden life. However, through a care manager's introduction, I met Dr. Yuasa, and my life was miraculously changed.

Paralysis of left upper and lower limbs due to stroke. Miraculous recovery from wheelchair life!

hironoba gymnastics + YOSHIRO SOCKS

My encounter with Dr. Yuasa was the catalyst that changed my life. 78 years old, I was in need of nursing care 4, suffering from complete paralysis of my left lower limb, and needed assistance with hip support to turn over in bed and get up. Dr. Yuasa's guidance and encouragement gave me new hope.

Bedridden for unknown reason

Bedridden after cervical spine surgery. Recovered to be able to work in the fields!

hironoba gymnastics + YOSHIRO SOCKS

By the time she reached her 60th birthday, she had lost the use of her legs and began to have difficulty with her daily activities. My husband quit his job and devoted himself to caring for her, and we renovated our house to make it barrier-free. At that time, I visited Dr. Yuasa for counseling and received care for my toes, which led to an amazing recovery.

osteoarthritis of the knee

He was told there was no other way but surgery, but he recovered to the point where he can walk without pain.

hironoba gymnastics + YOSHIRO SOCKS

The Hironoba Gymnastics lecture was held at Across Fukuoka, an entertainment-type lecture in which the participants of about 1,000 were invited to come out and treat themselves on the stage if they wished. She had osteoarthritis of the knees, which had worn away the cartilage in both knees, and was advised to have surgery on both knees. The pain in her knees made it difficult for her to go up and down stairs, and it was painful for her to stand for long periods of time. However, after 10 minutes of toe splinting care, her knee pain disappeared and she was able to walk up and down stairs without using a handrail, and she was able to walk without pain.

Diagnosed with no other option but surgery. Recovered to the point of being able to travel without a wheelchair.

hironoba gymnastics + YOSHIRO SOCKS

I began to suffer from pain in both knees. The doctor diagnosed me with osteoarthritis of the knees and found that the cartilage in both knees was worn away. The doctor recommended surgery, but I was reluctant to take the plunge considering the difficulty and risks involved. The pain was so severe that it interfered with my daily life and made it difficult for me to even get up from a chair. After two weeks, a remarkable change occurred.

Posture Cases

Male in his 80s, case of improvement of osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine + spinal canal stenosis

Woman in her 80s, improvement of osteoarthritis (compression fracture of lumbar vertebrae)

Woman in her 70s, example of improvement of osteoarthritis (compression fracture of lumbar vertebrae)

Woman in her 80s, example of improvement of osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine + osteoarthritis of the knee

Woman in her 70s, example of improvement of lower back pain (arched back)

Woman in her 40s, example of improvement of herniated disc

I was admitted to the hospital because I had a lumbar disc herniation that caused severe back pain, numbness in my legs, and pain in my feet, and I was unable to walk. When I was first admitted to the hospital, I had difficulty walking and standing up. I spent six months in the hospital and went through a series of rehabilitation treatments because I did not want to have surgery. I learned about Dr. Yuasa through TV and workshops and started seeing him after I was discharged from the hospital. I have been able to do things that I could not do before, and I can visibly see my recovery.

Child's posture

Example of improvement of warped back (nursery school child)

Example of improvement of warped back (nursery school child)

Example of improvement of warped back (nursery school child)

Example of improvement of hunchback (elementary school student)

X-legs and O-legs

Example of X-Legs Improvement

Example of improvement of O-leg (osteoarthritis of the knee)

Example of improvement of O-leg (osteoarthritis of the knee)

osteoarthritis of the knee

Example 1 of improvement in seiza

Example 2 of improvement in seiza

Example 3 of improvement in seiza

Example of improvement in periarthritis of the shoulder

hallux valgus

Improvement Example 1

Improvement Example 2

Improvement Example 3

Improvement Example 4

Examples of Improvements5

Improvement Example 6

Improvement Example 7

Improvement Example 8

Improvement Example 9

Improvement Example 10

Improvement Example 11

Improvement Example 12

Improvement Example 13

hallux valgus

Improvement Example 1

Improvement Example 2

Improvement Example 3

Improvement Example 4

Improvement Example 5

mirror finger

Improvement Example 1

Improvement Example 2

Improvement Example 3

Improvement Example 4

Improvement Example 5

Improvement Example 6

Improvement Example 7

Improvement Example 8

Improvement Example 9

Improvement Example 10

Improvement Example 11

Improvement Example 12

Improvement Example 13

Improvement Example 14

Improvement Example 15

Improvement Example 16

floating finger

Improvement Example 1

Improvement Example 2

Improvement Example 3

Improvement Example 4

Improvement Example 5

Improvement Example 6

Improvement Example 7

Improvement Example 8

Improvement Example 9

Improvement Example 10

Improvement Example 11

Improvement Example 12

Improvement Example 13

Improvement Example 14

walking strength


Examples of Improvements in Video

osteoarthritis of the knee

She was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee due to pain in both knees. He came to counseling using a walker. Without support, she would lose her balance. However, after 30 minutes of care to widen her toes, her pain was reduced and she was able to walk normally without support.

Osteoarthritis of the knee (92-year-old woman)

She appeared on NHK and was diagnosed with age-related osteoarthritis of the knee. She was unable to walk for long periods of time even with a cane and had difficulty climbing stairs. However, she wanted to visit her husband's grave, so she came for counseling. 92 years old, but after 15 minutes, she was able to walk without a cane by expanding her toes. She purchased shoes and insoles, and six months later, she was able to walk up and down stairs and visit her husband's grave.

Gait disorder due to congenital disease

He was diagnosed at a university hospital that he would have to wear a brace for the rest of his life. He came to us for consultation because of his family's and his own strong wish: "I want to do exercises with everyone by the time I enter elementary school. She is a very serious child and worked very hard at doing the hiro-no-va exercises every day. Thanks to her efforts, after one month she was able to walk without braces, and after three months she was able to run. He entered elementary school and happily reported that he participated in the relay race at the field day with everyone else.

Gait disturbance due to herniated disc

I was diagnosed with a hernia and was told that there was no other way to relieve the pain except surgery. I had a lot of pain and numbness from my back to my legs, and the pain did not go away even when I slept. After counseling and daily toe spreading care, she was able to walk after 3 months and the pain and numbness disappeared.

Gait disturbance due to rheumatism

He was walking with a cane due to knee pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. He had difficulty getting up from a chair and went to a hospital specializing in rheumatism, but his pain did not improve and his quality of life gradually deteriorated. We provided her with daily toe spreading care and counseling once a month, and after about 3 months, her pain improved. She is now able to go out without using a cane.

osteoarthritis of the knee

He was using a cane due to knee pain. The hospital had told her that the only treatment was knee surgery, but she came to us for consultation because she wanted to get well without surgery. After a year, he was able to run again, and he was very happy.

Gait disturbance due to unexplained pain

She had severe pain in her ankle and foot, and walked with only her toes or heels on the ground so that her feet would not touch the ground. She went to various hospitals but was told that they did not know the cause of the pain and could not find any treatment for it. When we looked at her toes, we found that she had a "bent toe," so we asked her to do her best to take care of the toe spreading. One month after the second visit, the pain was completely gone and she was able to return to her club activities. Since then, there has been no recurrence of the pain, and she is spending her time comfortably.

Gait disturbance due to rickets

His son was unable to play outside and had to stay at home. He was unable to play outside, and he was confined to his house. One year later, he was able to walk normally, and two years later, he was able to run.

Keiro Yuasa
Doctor of Toe (Physical Therapist)
Leading expert in toe research. Physical therapist. Director of the Toe Research Institute. President of the Japanese Society of Functional Toe Therapy. Developer of Hironoba Gymnastics, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO INSOLE, and Halmek shoes. Conducted research at the University of Tokyo and International University of Health and Welfare. Former director, vice president, medical director, and head of the day-care rehabilitation center at General Hospital. Author of numerous books. He has appeared on "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)," "NHK Gatten," "NHK BS New Common Sense of Beauty and Youth," "NHK Sakidori," and many other TV programs, and has written many books, including "Grab Your Toes in Just 5 Minutes and Your Hips and Back Will Never Swing Again! (PHP Publishing Co., Ltd.) and many others.

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