My feet are too cold and I can't stand it. What is the cause? |Isn't it because of my toes?

Commentary by a toe doctor

Keiro Yuasa

Dr. Toe, Director of Toe Research Institute, President of Japanese Society of Functional Foot and Toe Therapy, and developer of Halmek shoes. Former director, vice president, and medical director of General Hospital. He specializes in exercise physiology and anatomy. He is also a foot and shoe specialist and a leading expert in postural occlusion therapy. He has cured various orthopedic diseases (over 70,000 people) with toe therapy alone.



Many people have problems with cold feet and difficulty getting warm. Many people are especially concerned about cold feet during the cold winter months or in air-conditioned rooms in the summer. Due to poor circulation, blood and heat do not get to the feet properly, resulting in cold feet. Warm socks, hot water bottles, massages, bathing, and drinking herbal teas can help relax and temporarily improve cold feet, but many people find that their feet get cold quickly. There are many different causes of cold feet,Bent toes.It is not widely known that blood circulation is reduced byThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

Regulation of body temperature causes cold feet?

The human body is driven by the somatic and autonomic nerves that control voluntary movement and sensation. The autonomic nervous system controls the movement of the heart, digestive organs, and other internal organs, and plays a particularly important role in the regulation of body temperature.When we feel heat in the summer, we try to lower our body temperature by expanding our blood vessels to increase surface area in order to release heat from the skinThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

On the contrary,When it feels cold, it constricts blood vessels to prevent heat loss and keep the surface temperature of the skin lowThis can result in a natural defensive response to the environment, which can lead to increased coldness at the extremities. The body's physiological regulatory function is responsible for the tendency to get cold feet, especially during cold weather. In this way, the body copes with cold through natural mechanisms that attempt to adapt to the environment.

There's a reason why your feet get cold so easily.

The feet are one of the most susceptible areas of the body to cold. This is because they are located far away from the heart, which makes them susceptible to poor blood flow. Blood in the body is pumped around the heart, but because the feet are located farthest away from the heart, the flow of blood is easily impeded. In addition, blood vessels become thicker as they approach the heart and thinner as they go to the feet. This makes it easier for blood flow to stagnate in the feet. The earth's gravity also has an effect. Blood tends to flow from top to bottom, but when it returns to the heart from the toes, it is necessary to defy gravity. For this reason, the toes are also the areas that tend to swell. Because of these factors, the feet tend to get cold easily and blood flow is poor in this area.

Relationship between cold and toes

Toe deformityThe mechanism by which the feet become cold is due to the obstruction of blood circulation. Normally, the toes areNatural Form(open and extended), normal blood flow is maintained and body temperature can be properly maintained. However, when the toes are deformed, the normal function of the blood vessels and nerves in the feet may be inhibited and blood flow may not be adequate.

Toe deformityfor example.hallux valgusand ... andHammertoeand other conditions, toes are more likely to overlap or squeeze each other, which can compress blood vessels and nerves and obstruct blood flow. As a result, proper blood supply may not reach the ends of the feet, resulting in cold feet.

Mechanism of cold feet

1.Interference with blood circulation: Deformity of the toes can cause pressure on blood vessels and nerves. This can cause coldness due to reduced blood flow, which prevents nutrients and oxygen from reaching the toes.

2.Decreased blood flow: Toe deformities can restrict the movement of the toe muscles. As a result, muscle contraction and expansion may be impeded, resulting in reduced blood flow, which may cause cold.

3.Nerve compression: Deformity of the toes can cause compression of the nerves. This can inhibit the transmission of nerve signals and prevent information from the toes from being accurately transmitted to the brain, which can lead to a feeling of coldness.

Relationship between toes and calves

Further,Toe deformityNormal movement of leg muscles and joints is prevented bycan also contribute to cold feet. When normal movement is restricted, muscle contraction and blood circulation may not be smooth, resulting in cold feet.

Deformed toesThis makes it difficult for the calf muscles to function as they should, as the toes cannot firmly touch the ground during normal walking!. Calf muscles are responsible for the pumping action of returning blood from the legs to the heart by stretching and bending the ankles during walking. The pumping action is the contraction and relaxation of the calf muscles, which exert pressure on the veins and lymph vessels around the ankle to promote the flow of blood and lymph fluid.

However,Toe deformityThe entire sole of the foot is not in contact with the ground by the ankle, and the range of motion of the ankle is restricted by the calf muscles. As a result, the pumping action of blood back to the heart is weakened, blood and lymphatic fluid circulation in the feet is blocked, and symptoms such as cold feet, swelling, and even foot fatigue and pain are more likely to occur.

Under these conditions, not enough blood is distributed to the ends of the feet, and symptoms such as cold and swollen feet, as well as tired and sore feet, are more likely to occur. Therefore,Toe deformityis not just a cosmetic issue,Foot Healthand thermoregulation, and it should be noted that this may also affect the body's temperature regulation. regular toe exercises and proper shoe selection,Foot HealthIt is important to take appropriate measures to maintain the

Five easy ways to cool down every day in summer

During the cold winter season, it is inevitable that your toes will become cold. However, if your toes are not only temporarily cold, but feel cold all the time, it may be a symptom of "cold feet. The cause of this symptom is not a disturbance in the body's thermoregulatory system, but a deformity of the toes. What remedies are available for this? Here we would like to introduce some specific remedies.

1. check for toe deformities

Let's start by knowing the condition of your own toes. If you have any of these deformities, you have a body that is prone to cold feet.

hallux valgus

It refers to a condition in which the foot bends toward the base of the thumb (toward the base of the thumb).

hallux valgus

It refers to a condition in which the little toe of the foot bends inward (toward the thumb).

floating thumb

The thumb is defined as a condition in which the thumb bends upward and floats in comparison to the nails of the other fingers.

floating pinky toe

It refers to a condition in which the little finger lifts off the ground.

mirror finger

It refers to a condition in which the fingers remain bent downward and cannot be extended.

ring finger

It refers to a condition in which the fingernail is pointing sideways.

It's hard to tell from a quick glance.hallux valgusand "hallux valgusWe have also prepared a check sheet that allows you to easily check the "What's the difference between the two? Please download it and check it by putting your own foot on it.


2. how to deal with it with corrective socks

For cold feetYOSHIRO SOCKSis recommended.YOSHIRO SOCKSHa,Keep toes in natural positionThis helps to promote blood circulation and improve cold feet. By spreading the toes, the muscles of the feet are adjusted to the correct position, bringing the muscles and joints of the feet closer to normal movement when walking. Smooth muscle contraction and blood circulation promote the pumping action of blood back to the heart, improving circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid in the feet and eliminating symptoms such as cold feet, swelling, and even tired and aching feet.

YOSHIRO SOCKSare made using special materials and knitting techniques that, when worn, raise body temperature. The above data is for those who are cold.YOSHIRO SOCKSThe results are based on the measurement of body temperature after having the patients wear theOn average, the body temperature has increased by 0.96°CIt can be seen that(Due to individual differences, the effects may be felt differently by each person.)

3. how to deal with orthopedic shoes

Halmek ShoesYOSHIRO MODELis designed to promote blood circulation and foot pumping action by keeping the toes/feet in their natural position. This action improves blood circulation to the feet and provides comfort. Also,YOSHIRO MODELare lightweight, durable shoes that are both easy to walk in and well designed.

In addition, insoles that hold the foot in the correct position (seeYOSHIRO INSOLE) are built in as standard, providing high-quality support and cushioning. The brand's insoles not only improve the fit of shoes and comfort when walking, but also reduce the burden on the feet, knees, and hips. Please try them out.

4. stretching

The proper way to do Hironoba Exercises

gymnastics (esp. at Hironoba Gymnastics)is an effective way to exercise for cold feet.gymnastics (esp. at Hironoba Gymnastics)will promote blood circulation because it stretches the toe muscles well and re-educates the body to use its toes when walking. In addition, continuing the exercises raises body temperature and improves blood flow throughout the body, thereby improving cold feet. 5 minutes once a day is a good rule of thumb to incorporate these exercises into your daily life.

4. coping strategies in exercise

Toe stretching and corrective five-toed socks (YOSHIRO SOCKS), while wearing them, can help maintain correct posture and improve coldness by making small changes in daily life. Correct posture is created by correct muscles.Correct muscles can only be built by walking with "toes spread and extended"!The following is a list of the most common problems with the

Be careful in daily life

Walk with a small gait.
・Use your toes, such as going up hills and stairs.
. Avoid wearing footwear indoors.
Try to walk at least 6,000 steps a day.
Make sure the laces are tight.
...No ordered pillows or mats.
Choose the right shoes.
Use a shoehorn to put on your shoes.

5. coping strategies during sleep

YOSHIRO SOCKS SLEEPare orthopedic socks specially designed to be worn during sleep. They are especially good at keeping the feet warm and keep feet that easily get cold warm. In addition, they are extremely comfortable to wear and enjoy a soft, less constricting feel. These are perfect for those who suffer from cold feet. Please give them a try.

Estradiol is a type of female hormone that is also associated with body cooling. When estradiol secretion is deficient, blood circulation becomes poor and the body temperature tends to drop, which may cause symptoms of sensitivity to cold.

Cold sensitivity is also a particularly common symptom in women and can be exacerbated by fluctuations in female hormones.YOSHIRO SOCKS SLEEPto sleep can help balance estradiol, as shown in the data above. Improvement of coldness may also be expected.

6. Dietary coping strategies

As probiotics regulate the intestinal environment, the digestive system improves and the body's overall metabolism improves. As a result, body temperature may increase and body cooling may improve. Probiotics also have the effect of suppressing inflammation in the body by enhancing the immune system. Suppression of inflammation improves blood circulation and can alleviate body cold.

Probiotic products that are effective for cold include the following

Yogurt that reaches the intestines alive

The lactic acid bacteria in yogurt regulate the intestinal environment and help regulate body temperature. Recommended is R-1 yogurt; R-1 yogurt is a particularly popular probiotic. This yogurt contains beneficial Lactobacillus bacteria, which are believed to support intestinal health. Lactobacillus increases the number of good bacteria in the intestines and inhibits the growth of bad bacteria. Therefore, consumption of R-1 yogurt helps maintain proper body temperature by regulating the balance of the autonomic nervous system, which helps maintain body temperature regulation, due to the proliferation of appropriate bacteria in the intestines and improved immune function.

paste of miso, ground toasted vegetables, mirin, etc. (esp. to reduce the alcohol content)

Miso is a type of fermented food known to have beneficial effects as a probiotic. Microorganisms such as lactic acid bacteria and yeast contained in miso help regulate the intestinal environment and improve the intestinal flora. Furthermore, miso also contains enzymes that aid digestion and ingredients that enhance immunity, and is expected to help promote good health. By incorporating miso into your daily diet, you can use it as a probiotic to improve the intestinal environment and enhance immunity. However,Heat-treated or alcohol-treated miso loses its original miso benefits because only nutrients (such as amino acids) from the fermentation process remain.This will be the case.

Fermented beverages with a long history

Kombucha is a fermented beverage with a history that spans thousands of years and is a highly effective probiotic; Kombucha contains a variety of microorganisms that have been shown to be beneficial to health and help balance the intestinal microflora. This helps to strengthen the immune system and maintain a healthy digestive system. In addition,Kombucha also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, making it a highly nutritious drinkIt is also popular as a Taking Kombucha as a probiotic is a good way to support a healthy lifestyle.

Proper consumption of these products can improve cold and support the body's thermoregulation.


Functional Anatomy and Physical Therapy of Hallux Valgus. Yuasa, Keiro. Physical Therapy Vol.31 No.2 2014.2 P159-165
2. "Shift Your Toes and You'll Be Healthy" by Keiro Yuasa/author, PHP Kenkyujo, 2014.6
3. "Your back and hips will never get bent again in your life by grabbing your toes in just 5 minutes! Written by Keiro Yuasa, PHP Research Institute, 2021.6

Keiro Yuasa
Doctor of Toe (Physical Therapist)
Leading expert in toe research. Physical therapist. Director of the Toe Research Institute. President of the Japanese Society of Functional Toe Therapy. Developer of Hironoba Gymnastics, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO INSOLE, and Halmek shoes. Conducted research at the University of Tokyo and International University of Health and Welfare. Former director, vice president, medical director, and head of the day-care rehabilitation center at General Hospital. Author of numerous books. He has appeared on "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)," "NHK Gatten," "NHK BS New Common Sense of Beauty and Youth," "NHK Sakidori," and many other TV programs, and has written many books, including "Grab Your Toes in Just 5 Minutes and Your Hips and Back Will Never Swing Again! (PHP Publishing Co., Ltd.) and many others.

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