Is the little finger actually useful? Or is it a degenerate structure?


question:Is the little finger actually useful?
Or is it a degenerated organ?

-Posted by Baba, Hiroshima Prefecture

Commentary by a toe doctor

Keiro Yuasa

Physical Therapist, Doctor of Toes, Director of Toe Research Institute, President of the Japanese Society of Functional Foot and Toe Therapy, and developer of Halmek shoes. Former director, vice president, and medical director of General Hospital. His specialties are exercise physiology and anatomy. He is also a foot and shoe specialist and a leading expert in postural occlusion therapy. He has cured various orthopedic diseases (over 70,000 people) with toe therapy alone.

Our answer:

You might think that the little finger has no particular function other than to look pretty. However, if you have ever bumped it, broken it, or suffered any other injury, you know that is not the case. You will be surprised at how much an injury to your little finger can affect your daily life.

The little toe is part of a complex system within the foot. In fact, the foot is composed of 30 joints, 28 bones, and over 100 tendons and ligaments. When a person walks, normal foot biomechanics dictate that the foot rotates from the outside to the inside. This movement helps us "kick off" to take the next step. If the little toe is damaged in any way, propulsion is limited and walking is affected. If the little toe is damaged or must be amputated, we may lose our balance and fall.

Example of improvement of O-legs after curing floating toe of little finger

The little finger has extensor and flexor tendons, a bony structure that supports body weight, is involved in balance and propulsion, and plays an important role in walking and running. They also provide information about terrain conditions through sensory feedback and also play a role in dispersing impact forces. The little finger also plays an important role in dynamic movements such as walking and running, and continues to provide valuable feedback on ground conditions. It also plays a role in dispersing impact forces during walking, which continues to be an important function.

Y-Balance" tri-leg structure for foot balance

In fact, we can say that the foot is very dependent on the "tripod" (heel, little toe, and thumb) that balances the foot. Loss of even one of these elements can severely reduce the ability to skip, run, or walk. The little finger is also very important in the life of a competitive swimmer (important for most sporting events), as it also helps kick out over the edge of the pool when jumping in.

The little toe of the human foot plays an important role in providing stability and maintaining balance when walking or running. However, some experts suggest that the function of the little toe has degenerated due to changes in our modern living environment. We have to assume that the shape of the modern human foot is not as good as it used to be.Natural shapeand cites the influence of shoes as one of the reasons for this.YOSHIRO SOCKSThe socks, called "The Socks", are adapted to the shape of the foot to maintain foot health and to restore the function of the little toe.

YOSHIRO SOCKS designed to keep toes in proper position

On the other hand,gymnastics (esp. at Hironoba Gymnastics)has gained attention as a training method that activates the entire foot to improve balance and walking ability. By activating the muscles of the entire foot, including the toes, this exercise can improve the function of the entire foot, including the little toes. By training the muscles of the sole, the strength and flexibility of the entire foot, not just the little toe, is improved, and stability during walking is also improved.

The proper way to do Hironoba Exercises

The human foot is essentially barefoot and can maximize its function by feeling the ground. On the other hand,YOSHIRO SOCKSbelieves that wearing socks that fit the shape of the feet can help maintain foot health as much as possible, as walking barefoot is difficult in many situations in today's society.gymnastics (esp. at Hironoba Gymnastics)is also an effective exercise to regain foot function, but in today's society, we often wear socks and shoes.YOSHIRO SOCKSapproach is also effective. It is important to provide appropriate care and training while taking into account the current changes in the function and shape of the foot as a result of changes in the living environment of modern society.

Keiro Yuasa
Doctor of Toe (Physical Therapist)
Leading expert in toe research. Physical therapist. Director of the Toe Research Institute. President of the Japanese Society of Functional Toe Therapy. Developer of Hironoba Gymnastics, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO INSOLE, and Halmek shoes. Conducted research at the University of Tokyo and International University of Health and Welfare. Former director, vice president, medical director, and head of the day-care rehabilitation center at General Hospital. Author of numerous books. He has appeared on "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)," "NHK Gatten," "NHK BS New Common Sense of Beauty and Youth," "NHK Sakidori," and many other TV programs, and has written many books, including "Grab Your Toes in Just 5 Minutes and Your Hips and Back Will Never Swing Again! (PHP Publishing Co., Ltd.) and many others.

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