Stroke recovery cases

Commentary by a toe doctor

Keiro Yuasa

Physical Therapist, Doctor of Toes, Director of Toe Research Institute, President of the Japanese Society of Functional Foot and Toe Therapy, and developer of Halmek shoes. Former director, vice president, and medical director of General Hospital. His specialties are exercise physiology and anatomy. He is also a foot and shoe specialist and a leading expert in postural occlusion therapy. He has cured various orthopedic diseases (over 70,000 people) with toe therapy alone.



People have the ability to recover from any condition. It is ourselves who set the limits. The stronger your desire to walk on your own feet again, the faster you will recover.YOSHIRO SOCKSWearing thegymnastics (esp. at Hironoba Gymnastics)Try repeating the process. Gradually you will regain the feeling in your legs that you lost, and you may be able to move your immobile legs and stand on your own feet. Here we would like to introduce an example of a person who recovered from a stroke.

He recovered from being bedridden to walking with a cane.

hironoba gymnastics + YOSHIRO SOCKS

After a stroke at the age of 80 completely paralyzed the right side of my body, I was told that I would be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of my life and would be forced to live a bedridden life. However, through a care manager's introduction, I met Dr. Yuasa, and my life was miraculously changed.

At first, I needed assistance in all of my daily activities and even moving my own body was difficult. Dr. Yuasa's rehabilitation was tough, but after one month, I was able to move my legs of my own volition and regain my senses. And to my surprise, I was able to perform almost all daily activities by myself, such as getting up, turning over, sitting, standing, and walking.

He is now able to use the toilet and change clothes on his own. I am now able to walk by myself without braces and with the use of a cane. My family and friends were amazed at my recovery, and I could hardly believe it myself.

Thanks to Dr. Yuasa's dedicated guidance and encouragement, I was able to overcome the difficult time after my stroke. Now, I am happy to be able to move of my own free will. Meeting Dr. Yuasa changed my life and gave me the strength to overcome my limitations.

Through this experience, I have come to believe that miracles do happen in life. I am filled with gratitude to Dr. Yuasa, my care manager, and my family and friends who supported me. I will continue to renew my determination to live a positive life, never forgetting to be grateful, and enjoy my life.

Miraculous comeback from being bedridden due to a stroke!

hironoba gymnastics + YOSHIRO SOCKS

My encounter with Dr. Yuasa was the catalyst that changed my life. 78 years old, I was in need of nursing care 4, suffering from complete paralysis of my left lower limb, and needed assistance supporting my waist to turn over in bed and get up. Walking was also impossible, and I was limited to living in bed. However, I did not give up and sought the strength to move of my own volition.

Dr. Yuasa showed me new possibilities. Dr. Yuasa's rigorous rehabilitation was unmatched by other hospitals. However, that rigor was what I needed. Dr. Yuasa carefully guided my rehabilitation and helped me move forward step by step while supporting my body. Perhaps it was his love and faith in his strictness that gave me strength. There was strength in Dr. Yuasa's words, and his belief that if I worked hard and never gave up, change would surely come. His words resonated with me, and I continued to work hard every day.

At first it was difficult for him to turn over without holding onto anything, but gradually he was able to do so without using his hands. He was also able to stand up and transfer by himself, which used to require assistance to support his back. His recovery was surprisingly fast, and when he was able to walk without a brace and with a single cane, I was filled with emotion and joy.

What I learned from Dr. Yuasa was the importance of never giving up. Facing difficult situations and never running away from them, his willingness to go beyond his own limits has helped me to grow. Now I am able to live on the floor, and I am keenly aware of the importance of living by my own will.

I am glad to have met Dr. Yuasa. His guidance and encouragement have given me new hope. I will continue to look forward with his teachings and never give up. I will continue to cherish the greatness of living powerfully that I learned from Dr. Yuasa.

Miraculous comeback from being bedridden due to a stroke!

I had a stroke several years ago and have been in a wheelchair ever since. I was unable to carry out my daily activities, and the doctor told me that my condition would continue for the rest of my life, and I was beginning to lose hope.

One day, a friend introduced me to a physical therapist specializing in rehabilitation named "Dr. Yuasa. I had heard about him several times, but thought it was too far from where I live to go to him. However, my friend strongly recommended that I should try him because he was definitely worth it.

With the support of these friends, I decided to go to Dr. Yuasa's clinic. I had a hard time even stepping out of the door, but I managed to get to the clinic.

From the moment I first met Dr. Yuasa, he grabbed my heart and did not let go. He was cheerful, friendly, and very enthusiastic. On the day of my first rehabilitation session with him, I was filled with anxiety, but Dr. Yuasa's smile and gentle voice soothed me.

The first few rehabilitation sessions were hard. I had slowed down due to the aftereffects of my stroke and my muscle strength had deteriorated, so Dr. Yuasa's program was hard for me. But he never gave up, encouraging and supporting me. He told me that I was making progress, little by little, and those words gave me strength.

Several months passed and my body began to change little by little. Under Dr. Yuasa's guidance, I continued to train my gait and regain muscle strength that I could use in my daily life. His passion, guidance, and personality have helped me many times.

Finally, at the end of one day of rehabilitation, Dr. Yuasa smiled at me. Why don't you try walking again?" I felt a little uneasy, but took his hand and stood up. I took his hand and stood up, feeling a little uneasy.

At first I was unsteady and almost fell, but Dr. Yuasa's cheering and encouragement kept me walking. A few steps, a few dozen steps, and finally I was able to complete a full lap around the rehabilitation room. At that moment, I could only say thank you to Dr. Yuasa.

The days that followed proceeded as if to prove my miraculous rehabilitation. Under Dr. Yuasa's guidance, I became more and more capable of walking and rarely used my wheelchair anymore. My friends and family expressed their amazement and admiration, and my heart was filled with joy and gratitude.

Now I am walking on my own feet again and leading an independent life. Thanks to Dr. Yuasa, I was able to miraculously revive my life. The hope and strength he gave me was enough to change my life.

I am still indebted to Dr. Yuasa. His dedication and warm heart will always be a treasure to me. I pledge to continue to follow Dr. Yuasa's advice and lead a vigorous and healthy life.

Difference between general rehabilitation and Keiro Yuasa's Recovery

Stroke rehabilitation in general hospitals in Japan today does not aim to restore lost functions. According to conventional thinking, "once cranial nerves are damaged, it is difficult to regain function," and rehabilitation aimed at walking past the plateau is seldom performed. Rather, hospital rehabilitation is approached from the perspective of "maximizing the use of remaining functions and assisting patients to lead their daily lives. Patients are trained to utilize their remaining functions, strengthen their muscles, become accustomed to operating a wheelchair, and adapt to new situations.

In contrast, Keiro Yuasa's rehabilitation differs from conventional rehabilitation in that it aims to restore function to "immobile areas. In recent years, it has been suggested that central nervous tissue is reversible and may be capable of repair and regeneration. It is now possible to expect functional recovery of nerve tissue through continuous nerve exercise at appropriate levels. However, long-term and persistent practice of rehabilitation is necessary, and there is a lack of such facilities in Japan.

Keiro Yuasa's Recovery Facility is the only facility that offers long-term training for chronic stroke survivors. Using Yuasa's unique methods, cranial nerve tissue is reorganized and re-educated to restore walking function. Although it is considered effective to begin training at an early stage, it is believed that even if a patient has been injured for a long period of time, he or she should not give up. In fact, patients undergoing rehabilitation at Keiro Yuasa are those who have transitioned from the acute phase to the chronic phase, and the effectiveness of his rehabilitation has been scientifically proven, bringing functional recovery to people with a variety of injury durations.

Support for stroke with our commitment, Made in Japan!

What is YOSHIRO SOCKS that supports regeneration and activation of cranial nerve cells?

Sensory nerves in the toes/feet play an important role in transmitting information to the brain, and it is believed that stimulation of the toes/feet activates the brain and promotes regeneration of cranial nerve cells. This means that massaging and stretching the toes/feet and soles can help maintain brain health and improve cognitive function. YOSHIRO SOCKS were developed for this purpose.


Price: 3,850 yen (tax included)
Color: white and gray
Size: 3 sizes (S, M, L)


Let's try the Hironoba Exercise, which promotes the regeneration of brain nerve cells!

What kind of gymnastics is Hironoba Gymnastics?

Hironoba Exercise" is a biomechanical stretching exercise for the toes, which was devised and developed by Keiro Yuasa in 2008 based on podiatry, to spread (=hiro) and stretch (=noba) the toes. Osteoarthritis of the knee has a root cause of "little toe" and can be sufficiently improved by self-care if the muscles of the feet are strengthened.Foot stretching is one of the best treatments for the regeneration of cranial nerve cells.

The proper way to do Hironoba Exercises

See also the article below for more information.


How to regenerate brain cells due to stroke?

Stroke is a disease in which brain tissue is destroyed by damage to cerebral blood vessels, resulting in loss of nerve cell function and death. It was previously thought that cranial nerve cells do not regenerate, but recent studies have shown that some cranial nerve cells have the ability to regenerate. In particular, some neural stem cells and mature neurons have been found to generate new neurons.

This is supported by canary studies showing that cranial nerve regeneration in post-stroke is possible. This involves the ability of nerve cells themselves to regenerate and the fact that regeneration is accelerated when surrounding nerve cells compensate for the damage. YOSHIRO SOCKS and Hironoba Exercises have also been shown to be effective as a new treatment and rehabilitation program to promote neurological recovery after stroke in clinical practice.

Spreading and stretching the toes restores paralysis in the chronic phase.

It is important to spread and stretch the toes in order to regenerate brain nerve cells. This action stimulates the sensory organs of the feet and transmits the stimulus to the brain. This stimulation may activate cranial nerve cells and form new neural pathways.

By spreading and stretching the toes, the muscles and joints of the feet are properly mobilized and blood circulation is stimulated. This ensures that nutrients and oxygen are properly supplied to the brain and promotes the activation and regeneration of cranial nerve cells.

Spreading and stretching the toes also strengthens the neural connections between the brain and the feet, deepening the connection between brain and body. This may improve body balance and posture, and brain function.

Therefore, consciously adopting the habit of spreading and stretching the toes in daily life can promote the regeneration and activation of cranial nerve cells and maintain a healthy brain condition.

Keiro Yuasa
Doctor of Toe (Physical Therapist)
Leading expert in toe research. Physical therapist. Director of the Toe Research Institute. President of the Japanese Society of Functional Toe Therapy. Developer of Hironoba Gymnastics, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO INSOLE, and Halmek shoes. Conducted research at the University of Tokyo and International University of Health and Welfare. Former director, vice president, medical director, and head of the day-care rehabilitation center at General Hospital. Author of numerous books. He has appeared on "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)," "NHK Gatten," "NHK BS New Common Sense of Beauty and Youth," "NHK Sakidori," and many other TV programs, and has written many books, including "Grab Your Toes in Just 5 Minutes and Your Hips and Back Will Never Swing Again! (PHP Publishing Co., Ltd.) and many others.

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