How to do the tread strength test for the elderly|An easy way to check the condition of your feet!


Application of the Tread Strength Test
When testing the elderly, this is the one to use!

If and when HIRONOBA gymnastics and YOSHIRO SOCKS are used,
Compare the foot stomping force otherwise.

By using HIRONOBA EXERCISE and YOSHIRO SOCKS, the function of the toes is maximized,
It brings out the body's natural performance.

Commentary by a toe doctor

Keiro Yuasa

Dr. Toe, Director of Toe Research Institute, President of Japanese Society of Functional Foot and Toe Therapy, and developer of Halmek shoes. Former director, vice president, and medical director of General Hospital. He specializes in exercise physiology and anatomy. He is also a foot and shoe specialist and a leading expert in postural occlusion therapy. He has cured various orthopedic diseases (over 70,000 people) with toe therapy alone.

How to properly perform a tread strength test on an elderly person

In the previous issue, we introduced the basic "Treading Strength Test". In this issue, we will tell you how to perform the "stepping strength test" on middle-aged and elderly persons.

Performing a tread strength test on an elderly person may put him or her at risk of falling. Therefore, be sure to perform the test in a safe manner.

First, both parties stand on their feet. The person being pushed folds his or her hands.

The person on the side being pushed opens his or her legs "a fistful" apart.

degree of freedom

This test tests how well you step when you walkIt is. You should try walking once and then stop to see how far you can open your legs. Ideally, both feet should be open about as much as when you walk naturally.

Grip both wrists lightly.

If your wrist is sore, you can do it slightly above the wrist.

Once you have your wrists, put your weight directly under them. The image is to put your weight toward the toes of the person standing.

If the body of the person being pushed is bent or one of the legs moves forward, the person is not stepping forward.

walking strength

Essentially, a person does not need much strength to step on a load as long as it is about his/her body weight. In the above cases, people who need to put tremendous force into their arms to step on the ground, or whose feet move forward quickly or bend at the waist, are not using their toes.

Even if the person being pushed cannot hold on as expected and is about to fall forward, the pusher can support him or her.

Let's do a backward-facing, tread strength test!

Some people say, "I can manage to step forward, but I can't step backward at all." This is due to posture. Let's try the stepping strength test in both forward-facing and backward-facing positions.

Differences in stepping force due to posture

Hunchback: Strong for forward-facing test, weak for backward-facing test
Warped back: weak on forward test, strong on backward test.

*It is also a good idea to use different testing methods depending on the posture.

As in the forward facing position, the person being pushed should fold his or her hands behind his or her back. The person on the pushing side should lightly grip both of the folded wrists.

Continue to put your weight directly down. It is OK if you can stand firm.

If you are about to fall backwards, the person pushing can support you.

Tread strength test for the elderly (2)

This is also done in pairs, both of you standing.

The person on the left is the weight-bearing side and the person on the right is the weight-bearing side.

The person on the weight-bearing side raises both hands to shoulder height.

The raised hand should be held in a gooey grip.

Put your hand on the hand that is gripped in a gooey grip. Then, let the weight go straight down.

The person on the left weight-bearing side resists so that the raised hand does not fall.

If the hand does not go down, it is holding firm.
If either foot goes out, you are not stepping on it.
If your hips are bent and you are twitching forward, you are not stepping forward.

Check out the video to see how to properly perform a tread strength test!

Ability to stand on your feet = improved back strength

Human back muscles have a great influence on "standing, walking, running, jumping," etc. Back muscles (back muscle strength) are necessary to support one's heavy head against gravity and to maintain a straight posture.Back strength" is actually "the ability to stand firm."However, recently, not only the elderly but also children's back strength has been weakening. Poor posture can be said to be a result of poor back strength.

This data is for women. These are the changes after 2 months of performing HIRONOVA exercise for 5 minutes and wearing YOSHIRO SOCKS daily.Average 71.6 kgAfter two months, the back muscle strength that wasAverage 82.9 kgUp toI am doing it. I don't do muscle training, though.

Female back strength, average by age

27-37 years old: 85 kg
38-45 years old: 80 kg
46-50 years old: 70 kg

The average value for all ages is 75 kg, so an increase of more than 10 kg meansIt is the same as being 10 years younger in age!If you continue for six months or a year, it is likely to increase even more, which could bring you back to the physical age of your late 20s to mid 30s, when your back strength is strongest.

This data should draw attention to the fact that while it is important to improve muscle strength through muscle training, just being able to stand firm on one's feet improves muscle strength. Conversely,Even when exercising, if you can't stand firm on your feet, your muscles lose strength.This is because this is the case.


When I am able to step firmly, even a woman in her 90s can step so hard that I can ride behind her. Strengthening back muscles is thought to improve walking ability and strengthen muscles throughout the body, which may help prevent falls and caregiving.


How was it? I think most people could not stand on their own feet. Ideally, we would like to restore the function of the toes with HIRONOBA EXERCISE and YOSHIRO SOCKS, and be able to step firmly even when barefoot.

Wearing functional socks, insoles, and shoes will allow you to stand on them temporarily, but it is meaningless if they are good when you wear them but become bad when you take them off. This is because you have to wear or continue to use those functional goods semi-permanently.

The important thing is to learn how to stand on your feet while barefoot. Many women want to wear their favorite shoes and go anywhere they want. In order to do so, they need to be able to stand firmly on their feet while barefoot. If we take proper care of our feet after going out in our favorite shoes, we will be able to live a lifetime of health and contentment without physical pain.

Keiro Yuasa
Doctor of Toe (Physical Therapist)
Leading expert in toe research. Physical therapist. Director of the Toe Research Institute. President of the Japanese Society of Functional Toe Therapy. Developer of Hironoba Gymnastics, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO INSOLE, and Halmek shoes. Conducted research at the University of Tokyo and International University of Health and Welfare. Former director, vice president, medical director, and head of the day-care rehabilitation center at General Hospital. Author of numerous books. He has appeared on "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)," "NHK Gatten," "NHK BS New Common Sense of Beauty and Youth," "NHK Sakidori," and many other TV programs, and has written many books, including "Grab Your Toes in Just 5 Minutes and Your Hips and Back Will Never Swing Again! (PHP Publishing Co., Ltd.) and many others.

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