Straight neck is caused by toe deformity! | Treatment, Self-Care, and Prevention Methods to Cure Yourself

Commentary by a toe doctor

Keiro Yuasa

Dr. Toe, Director of Toe Research Institute, President of Japanese Society of Functional Foot and Toe Therapy, and developer of Halmek shoes. Former director, vice president, and medical director of General Hospital. He specializes in exercise physiology and anatomy. He is also a foot and shoe specialist and a leading expert in postural occlusion therapy. He has cured various orthopedic diseases (over 70,000 people) with toe therapy alone.



The posture of people who use cell phones and computers for long periods of time becomes poor, resulting in a "straight neck" (smartphone neck). I have seen many such articles around. While this is certainly undeniable, it is not the main cause. Therefore, many people may have found that stretching, reviewing posture, muscle training, and choosing a desk and chair that suits them did not improve their posture.

In this issue, I would like to explain "why foot yoga is the cause of straight neck" and how to prevent, improve, and stretch it. Some of you may have a straight neck complex; some of you have improved in as little as two weeks.


Straight neck, also known as smart phone neck, is a condition in which the normal curve of the neck bones (cervical vertebrae) is lost. Our cervical vertebrae are kyphotic, usually a 30-40 degree arching curve, which is essential for evenly distributing the weight of the head and allowing the neck to effectively absorb shock and stress.

A person with a straight neck has a straight neck instead of a gentle curve when viewed from the side. It is generally believed that the main cause is a forward head or slumped posture when using smartphones, computers, etc. for long periods of time, but this is not actually the case.

The main factors that cause straight neck are toe deformity and toe dysfunction, wrong shoe selection, wrong shoe wear, and wrong type of socks.and materialsIt is. These factors have led to poor daily posture, which has been seen in many generations in recent years.


Tightness or pain in the neck, from the base of the neck to the shoulders or back.Palpitations, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, tinnitus, tiredness in the eyes, fatigue, pain and numbness in the shoulders, arms, and even fingertipsmay appear. As stiffness in the shoulders and neck progresses, you will also feel stiffness from the shoulder blades to the back, as if a sheet of steel were attached to them. This is the same as the "stiff shoulders" I talked about in the last issue.

Straight neck can cause even more serious symptoms. When the straight neck narrows the airway (the passage of air when breathing),Oxygen supply to the entire body is reduced by 18%, resulting in decreased activity of the brain and many other body organs and cells, causing general fatigue, malaise, poor concentration, poor judgment, lethargy, and cognitive decline.It is important to note that the

Severe symptoms caused by straight neck

Mouth Breathing
Low tongue (slurring of speech)
Airway narrowing (narrowing of the airways)
Bull chin (bulldog face)
...and the bite is bad.
Decreased lip closure (ability to close mouth)
Decreased cerebral blood flow
General malaise
Sleep apnea syndrome

Causes and pathogenesis


More than 90% have problems due to poor postureIt is. The spine is connected to the neck, back, hips and pelvis, legs and feet, and has a gentle S-shaped curve. This S-curve acts as a suspension that relieves the burden placed on the spine when the body is moved up and down. Furthermore, by placing the head directly above this S-curve, the burden on the muscles to support the heavy head is also reduced.

However,Continued toe deformity and dysfunction in the toes causes the hips and back to round, the neck to naturally move forward, and the head to stick out in a forward posture!The curve of the spine from back to neck at this point is straight and upright.

Poor posture from continuous looking at a computer or phone is temporary, and once you stand up and return to the correct posture, you will return to your original gentle curve and will not develop straight neck!The foot is not in the right position to use the correct muscles. However, if the feet slip in the shoes due to the type of shoe or the material of the socks, and the feet walk with a heel center of gravity, the correct muscles that should be used are not used, and the wrong muscles are built up. As a result, the joints and muscles become stiffened, and the curve of the spine does not return to its straight position even if the patient tries to return to normal posture. This is a major cause of straight neck.


A simple explanation,(1) Type of shoes and how to wear them → (2) Toe deformity → (3) Heel center of gravity → (4) Hunchback (warped back) → (5) Straight neck (head forward)This is the mechanism that

When the foot slips in the shoe, depending on the type of shoe and the way it is worn,The toes try to brake tightly to prevent the foot from slipping, resulting in a crouching toe!. In the case of a bent finger, the knee bends unconsciously while walking because the brake is always applied when walking.

It is also common in slippers and boots, but if the foot slips in the shoe,Float your toes up so that your shoes do not slip. This is the beginning of a floating toe.The "heel center of gravity" is the result of a clawed or floating toe. The "heel center of gravity" in a clawed or floating toe causes the body to try to balance itself by bending the knees or tilting the body forward when it is about to fall backward. This is also called "postural reflex" or "postural control.

Although the toes act as stoppers to keep the posture straight when the center of gravity shifts forward or to the side,Stopper function for backward center of gravity shift is not present in the feetTherefore, the body tries to maintain balance through the upper body posture. The head is moved forward to maintain balance in the body, which is called cervical kyphosis or straight neck.


If the toes are well spread and extended, the ideal balance is 50% weight forward and 50% backward. However, with floating or bent toes, the ground contact area is reduced and weight is shifted to the heel.

When the toes are firmly open and extended, the center of gravity is centered, allowing a person to stand straight. However, most people's toes are deformed due to incorrect shoe selection and wear, sock type and material, etc., causing the foundation to collapse and the center of gravity to shift backward.

Since the center of gravity is backward, the upper body tries to balance and stand while straining in an impossible posture. This is what causes straight neck. Given this, don't you think it is the foundation that needs to be supported, rather than the neck itself?

What causes deformed toes?

How you wear your shoes can have a significant impact on straight neck. Be especially careful if you wear the following types of shoes

Factors that contribute to straight neck

Wearing slippers, sandals, or slippers indoors.
...and wearing shoes with loose laces.
Shoes with soft soles and heel supports (heel counters)
Shoes with too much cushioning
Wide width shoes
Shoes with uneven insoles
Wear socks made of slippery materials (cotton or silk)

Shoes without heels or shoes with heels that easily come off cause the feet to slip inside the shoes and unconsciously exert pressure on the toes to prevent the shoes from coming off, resulting in hammertoes and floating toes. If this condition continues for a long period of time, the toes become deformed.

In addition, the bones of the feet are supported and straightened by many muscles, but most of the muscles are attached to the toes. Therefore, walking without functional use of the toes causes deformities of the big toe and small toe due to loss of strength in the foot muscles. It is also not well known in medical science that a collapse of the arch leads to a heel center of gravity, which further contributes to poor posture such as hunchback.

Blind spot in socks

In regular tubular socks (tube socks), which are worn by most people around the world, 4g~9gf/㎠ of force is applied to the toes, causing pressure on the toes. Also, many cotton and silk socks have a silken finish, which makes the feet slip easily in shoes and socks. Socks that slip easily and put pressure on the toes can cause toe dysfunction, leading to bent or floating toes. Conversely, fugly tube socks cause the feet to slide around in the socks, leading to clasped or floating toes.

While there are various neck stretches and workouts to relieve straight neck, it is important to approach the "toes" to correct posture in order to improve straight neck. Although rehabilitation, massage, and myofascial release performed in hospitals can temporarily relieve straight neck,Unless you treat the "toes" that make up your posture and the shape of your legs, you have nothing to show for it.You will find that

Examination, Diagnosis and Self-Check

The examination includes a medical interview, neurological examination, and check for cervical spine disease. In addition to X-ray (radiography), MRI, electromyography, blood sampling, and electrocardiography are also performed.

Diagnosis of normal cervical angle

The ideal cervical spine curve is 30° to 40° when the angle between the straight line passing through the midpoint of the front (anterior tuberosity of the annulus) and back (posterior tuberosity) of the first neck bone and the straight line passing through the bottom of the seventh neck bone (lower endplate of the vertebral body) is 30° to 40°.

Diagnosis of cervical angle of straight neck

If the angle between the perpendicular line passing through the midpoint of the front (anterior tuberosity of the annulus) and back (posterior tuberosity) of the first neck bone and the perpendicular line passing through the bottom of the seventh neck bone (lower endplate of the vertebral body) is less than 30°, the neck is "straight.

This diagnosis is difficult because it requires x-rays to be taken. Therefore, as a method of check that anyone can do, there is a self-check that can be done by smartphone photography, so please refer to it.

Posture Self-Check

First, take a picture of your posture from right beside yourself with your phone or other device. Take the picture so that the center point of the phone is at the center of your body. It is a good idea to make sure that the leveler is positioned at your navel.

Next, connect the earlobes (earlobes) to the external ankles (outer ankles) of the feet with a line.The ideal posture is if (1) the center of the knee, (2) the greater trochanter (hip joint), and (3) the acromion (center of the shoulder) pass through that straight line.It is. In an ideal posture, the curve of the neck bone has a normal curve. If it is not easy to draw a line, use a ruler to align the earlobe with the outer ankle.


If either (1), (2) or (3) deviates from a straight line, hunchback or warped backstate, you are standing with your neck forward (except for some people with a warped back). In this case, the neck bones are most likely straight necked. If you have deviated from the ideal point, proceed to the next neck angle check.

Progression of straight neck

Next, let's take a picture from right beside you so that "face to shoulder" is included. Keep the face facing straight ahead and stand in a natural position. Or you can enlarge the photo of the posture you just took.

Draw a line between your earlobe and the center of your shoulder. Measure how much it is tilted in relation to the vertical line.A cervical angle of 0° is normal, while a cervical angle of 15° or more is more likely to cause straight neck... If you want to know the exact cervical spine angle, we can determine it from a full body photo, which we will show in the posture analysis article.

medical treatment

Hospital treatment is mainly based on "lifestyle guidance" and a combination of "diet," "exercise," "physical therapy," and "drug therapy. If straight neck becomes severe and results in cervical herniation, surgery may eventually be required.

Since the primary objective of all of these is to alleviate neck and shoulder pain caused by straight neck, not to cure the root cause, there is a temporary effect on pain relief. Also, even if surgery is performed, as long as the posture is not correct, the posture will further deteriorate and recur.Self-care foot stretching is recommended to fundamentally resolve straight neck and prevent its recurrence. In conjunction with this, it is also important to choose the right shoes and the right socks to prevent the feet from slipping in the shoes.


To eliminate straight neck, it is helpful to correct your feet and regain the correct posture that is inherent to human beings. try to stretch your toes once a day. Although this is a toe exercise, it actually improves posture and softens the muscles around the shoulder blades naturally without having to relax them.

Hironoba Exercise, a toe stretch to improve straight neck

Try doing this once a day for 5 minutes; if you do not see any change in your symptoms after 2-3 days, we recommend increasing the number of times to 2-3 times a day. The goal is to be able to do the toe par for 30 seconds.

Ideally, it should be open enough to allow the fingers of one's own hand to slip between the pinky and ring fingers.


Corrective 5-finger socks for optimal support of hunchback and straight neck

We have produced functional 5-finger socks made of cotton and silk and tried them on many patients in clinical settings, but we were unable to solve the problem of feet slipping in shoes and socks. Therefore, we spent two years working with a textile company to perfect the ideal fiber, and the corrective 5-toed socks "YOSHIRO SOCKS" were born. If you suffer from hunchback and straight neck, give them a try.

To make it more effective

By making small changes in daily life, such as toe stretching and wearing corrective five-toed socks (YOSHIRO SOCKS), you can maintain correct posture and improve straight neck.

Be careful in daily life

Walk with a small gait.
∙ Activities that involve the use of toes, such as walking up hills and stairs
. Avoid wearing footwear indoors.
Try to walk at least 6,000 steps a day.
Make sure the laces are tight.
...Avoid using ordered pillows and mats.
Choose the right shoes.
Use a shoehorn to put on your shoes.

Stretching the toes and walking with corrective five-toed socks (YOSHIRO SOCKS) helps to use the toes functionally.(1) Toe deformity improved → (2) Correct center of gravity position → (3) Improved posture → (4) Straight neck eliminatedThis is the process. You will no longer have to worry about the various symptoms caused by straight neck and will be able to be active.


Don't stay in the same position for too long

When concentrating on work at a desk, it is easy to spend long hours in a posture that puts strain on the muscles around the shoulders with the head forward. Try to move your body at least once every 30 minutes or so. Changing to an ergonomic chair and being aware of the position of your monitor can also help reduce stiff shoulders and neck stiffness.

rest one's eyes

Prolonged reading, computer and smartphone use can cause not only stiff shoulders and neck, but also headaches, fatigue, and other ailments. Be sure to rest your eyes in moderation when performing tasks that place a strain on the eyes. If you feel your eyes are tired, it is a good idea to look into the distance or take up eye stretching exercises. Also, pay attention to the brightness of the room and your posture when reading, using a computer, or using a smartphone.

Moderate exercise and calisthenics.

Correct posture is created by correct muscles.Correct muscles can only be built by walking with "toes spread and extended"!The goal is to walk at least 6,000 steps per day. Aim for 10,000 steps per day.

How to choose the right shoes

The most common cause of toe deformity is the choice of shoes and how they are worn.Most straight necks are caused by not using the toes properly. Few people think of the feet and shoulders because they are located so far apart. If you suffer from straight neck, please take this opportunity to review your feet.

How to choose the right socks

Pure cotton and silk materials are slippery

There is a silken finish (or mercerization process). Silkette treatment is a process that gives silk-like luster to yarns, and involves soaking yarns in a caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) solution and stretching them like hand-pulled udon noodles to straighten the cross section of the yarns. It is overwhelmingly used mainly for cotton and silk fibers (cotton).

The cross-section of the cotton is aligned, coloration is improved, and fluff is suppressed when processed, giving it a luxurious appearance. It is smooth and slippery to wear, but as the words "smooth" and "slippery" suggest, it is easy for the feet to slip inside shoes and socks. In other words, it is a material that can easily cause deformation of the toes.

Of course, there are cotton and silk materials that are not silken, so choosing such materials is also an important factor in preventing knee pain.

Five-toed socks allow toes to function.

Common socks are also called tube socks, and most people around the world have this type of socks. It is a shape that has been used for many years, but the tube type makes it difficult to use the toes properly. For this reason, socks with five separate toes are better, but there are many different types of this type.

The most important thing is to make sure it fits your own feet just right.The socks should be worn with a soft, comfortable, and comfortable footwear. If the fingertips or instep area is loose, even a good 5-finger sock will "slip". On the other hand, 5-finger socks that fit too tightly and feel oppressive are not recommended, as they can impede blood circulation. It is important to find 5-toed socks that feel "comfortable" when you try them on.

There are more and more socks with corrective power, but when I tried them, I found that many of them press down more strongly than I expected. Particularly in the area of the arch of the foot.Supporting the arch is important, but arch structure is a property that can lose its function if it is lifted too stronglySo, be sure to choose an arch that is also not too oppressive.

When you take it off, you say, "Ha, that feels good!" then the pressure is too strong.This is the case.

story of one's experience

In fact, my daughter has always had a complex about her cat back. I think her tendency to tense up easily was also the cause of her hunched shoulders. On the contrary, however, her bad posture sometimes made her look cocky, and she sometimes received warnings from her teachers at school. We sent her to an orthopedic clinic to correct her posture, but even after a year and a half of treatment, she was still not getting better.

In a fit of anger, I took my daughter to see Dr. Yuasa, whom I had learned about through a series of articles in the newspaper. At that time, Dr. Yuasa taught me the Hironoba Exercises. Since then, my daughter has been doing these exercises every day while taking a bath and before going to bed. She puts the shallow fingers of her hands between her toes and slowly stretches each foot 20 times. She was so determined to improve her posture that she continued to do the exercises even during her training in Tokyo.

According to Dr. Yuasa, if the toes are not on the ground, posture will deteriorate, resulting in a stooped back. Therefore, to improve posture, it is important to spread and stretch the toes firmly. He also instructed us on how to wear shoes, and told us that it is not good to wear shoes that you can just slip your feet into. So, I decided to throw away heel-less shoes and wear only sneakers with laces.

My daughter had bad posture due to a floating pinky toe. With Hironoba Exercise, her floating toe is now completely fixed and her little toe is perfectly on the floor. She also says that when her toes are stretched and her fingers touch the ground, her athletic ability improves. In fact, my daughter, who has improved her posture and confidence, started learning to dance after the study tour.

Originally, she was not very good at exercise, but now she can handle positions such as grabbing the toes of one foot raised toward her back without difficulty. Even while eating, she naturally straightens her back, which makes her look more elegant. Not only my posture, but also my face has changed. The left and right sides of my mouth are now more balanced, and I think my impression improves when I smile. When her toes are stretched, her posture and even her face change. Watching the changes in my daughter made me realize how important toes are.


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Keiro Yuasa
Doctor of Toe (Physical Therapist)
Leading expert in toe research. Physical therapist. Director of the Toe Research Institute. President of the Japanese Society of Functional Toe Therapy. Developer of Hironoba Gymnastics, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO INSOLE, and Halmek shoes. Conducted research at the University of Tokyo and International University of Health and Welfare. Former director, vice president, medical director, and head of the day-care rehabilitation center at General Hospital. Author of numerous books. He has appeared on "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)," "NHK Gatten," "NHK BS New Common Sense of Beauty and Youth," "NHK Sakidori," and many other TV programs, and has written many books, including "Grab Your Toes in Just 5 Minutes and Your Hips and Back Will Never Swing Again! (PHP Publishing Co., Ltd.) and many others.

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