Patented custom-made insoles researched and developed by beauty researcher YOSHIRO

Healthy and beautiful just by putting on the shoes and walking.

98% customer satisfaction
YOSHIRO formula ORDE MADE INSOLE (patented)

Researched and developed by beauty researcher Keiro Yuasa for foot care

If the feet, the foundation of the body, are not in proper alignment, the entire body may become unbalanced and various cosmetic disorders may occur. YOSHIRO-style ORDER MADE INSOLE corrects the big toe and encourages the natural function of the toes by molding using the "beauty position" of the heel bone, as well as correcting the pelvis to the correct position,

It leads to a distortion-free BODY. In addition, it uses pigskin and special polymer sheet materials that provide a bedrock bath effect. The heat energy has strong permeability and reaches inside the body, heating it spontaneously, so even if the surface of the insole is at room temperature, it sufficiently promotes blood circulation, enhances metabolism (healing power), and leads the body to beauty and health from the inside.


interpoint (interword separation)44,000 yen

By keeping the heel bone in the beauty position, it enhances "foundation beauty power", improves skin and posture functions, and allows you to wear high heels faster. Custom-made insoles for different types of big toe. Suitable for hallux valgus, calluses, fish eyes, stiff shoulders, lower back pain, hypersensitivity to cold, knee pain, bust top, hip up, whitening, beautiful skin, wrinkles, swelling, sagging, dieting, self-healing promotion, etc.

Five major benefits of insoles

1. Posture correction

YOSHIRO INSOLE corrects distortions in the body from the feet up, and not only eliminates a flabby stomach, but also improves facial sagging, breast enhancement, and hip enhancement. Today, it is said that a person's appearance is 90% of who he or she is. This will help you look more attractive to the opposite sex, as you will have a "symmetrical" face, which is a popular face.

2. Hallux valgus

With "floating toes," in which the toes do not touch the ground even when walking, the muscular strength of the sole of the foot deteriorates, resulting in hallux valgus. YOSHIRO INSOLE is designed to allow you to walk with your toes firmly in place, strengthening the muscles in the sole of the foot and improving the big toe from the root. The YOSHIRO INSOLE is designed to allow you to walk with your toes firmly in place.

3. thin constitution

Walking without using your toes puts strain on the entire foot, including the calves, and can cause swelling of the feet, etc. When you maintain a beautiful posture with YOSHIRO INSOLE, you use your back muscles and pull in your stomach, so you are constantly using all the muscles in your body. Since you will be using your calf muscles, your metabolism will increase, blood circulation will improve, and your body will burn fat more easily.

4. Skin beautifying effects

Correcting posture with YOSHIRO INSOLE allows you to sleep on your back, which solves the cause of skin sagging due to gravity and deeper wrinkles and lines caused by lying on your side or on your face. Furthermore, the change in posture increases the amount of oxygen taken in through breathing, thus increasing the oxygen supply to the skin for building beautiful skin. Improved blood circulation is also effective in preventing blemishes.

5. Increased immunity

YOSHIRO INSOLE can produce heat by itself using the correct muscles, and by distributing that heat throughout the body, it raises the body temperature by 0.5~1.0℃ and improves immunity. Energy metabolism also becomes more active, and an increase in body temperature of 1 degree Celsius increases energy metabolism by 13-151 TP3T, making it difficult to gain weight. For both fertile and non- fertile women, raising body temperature and balancing hormones is important to stabilize ovulation date and alleviate menstrual discomfort.

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How the insoles are made

In about one hour (from 40 minutes), we create the best insole for the person "at that moment"; the insole is completed after two to three adjustments, and is made into the best shape at that moment at each step according to the degree of correction of the body.

It is best to renew the finished insoles approximately every six months to a year, depending on how often they are used. This means that the body will correct itself and change to the original shape of the foot.

Indoor night beauty

Just by putting on YOSHIRO INSOLE, not only will your feet be moist and smooth, but the toe cushion will release your toes from the stress of wearing pumps and other shoes and relieve you of the day's fatigue. The toe cushions not only moisturize and smooth the sole of your feet, but also relieve your toes from the fatigue of the day. While you are outside, you are exposed to various stresses without realizing it, so let's regain your "skin beauty" in a space where you can take a breather.

Keiro Yuasa
Doctor of Toe (Physical Therapist)
Leading expert in toe research. Physical therapist. Director of the Toe Research Institute. President of the Japanese Society of Functional Toe Therapy. Developer of Hironoba Gymnastics, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO INSOLE, and Halmek shoes. Conducted research at the University of Tokyo and International University of Health and Welfare. Former director, vice president, medical director, and head of the day-care rehabilitation center at General Hospital. Author of numerous books. He has appeared on "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)," "NHK Gatten," "NHK BS New Common Sense of Beauty and Youth," "NHK Sakidori," and many other TV programs, and has written many books, including "Grab Your Toes in Just 5 Minutes and Your Hips and Back Will Never Swing Again! (PHP Publishing Co., Ltd.) and many others.

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