Overcoming bilateral ovarian tumors and two ovariectomies, I conceived my second child naturally at the age of 39! This is the story of my experience of giving birth to a miracle child without fertility treatment, even though I was told that pregnancy was impossible.

Insurance coverage for infertility treatment began in April of this year. I had been suffering from gynecological problems since I was in elementary school and had my left ovary removed at the age of 16. I was aware that it was difficult for me to have children, but I was convinced that I might be able to conceive by improving my O-legs, so I continued walking while continuing to stretch my little toes every day, and found that I was pregnant. With little morning sickness or labor pains, I was taken to the delivery table and "popped" and gave birth.

I gave birth to my second child last fall. I also had my right ovary removed when I was in my 30s and was told that a natural pregnancy was impossible, but I would like to share my thoughts and feelings about my pregnancy, which was nothing short of a miracle. I hope that my story will be a ray of hope for as many people as possible.

elementary school age

I've had terrible O-feet since I can remember.
Surgery in 3rd grade for hernia of prolapsed bowel
... I had back pain and had difficulty sitting in a chair during class.
Bleeding brown blood when I was in the 4th grade.
I had a dull pain in my knee when I walked for a long time.
...I started menstruating in grade 6 and was taking Bufferin because of severe menstrual cramps.

Sleeping with my ankles and knees tied together with yukata dressing straps to correct my O-legs, but to no avail.

junior high school days

... I was living a life where back pain, headaches, menstrual cramps, and knee pain were normal.
... I've been training to build muscles on the inside of my legs for about 3 months, but it didn't work.
I tried wearing slippers to correct my O-legs, but it didn't work.
interpoint (interword separation)I have trained lying down and changed the way I stand, but to no avail.
Neighborhood chiropractor
indicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.I paid 180,000 yen and went through it 8 times. Came right back and no effect.
I saw a grandmother walking with a cane and O-legs, and I knew I would be like that someday.

interpoint (interword separation)I assumed the shin bones were crooked.

High School Years

... he was a thin man, but had a lower abdomen.
...started experiencing stomach pressure during his sophomore year of high school and had constant stomach discomfort.
...In her senior year of high school, her stomach suddenly swelled. A tumor was found and the entire left ovary was removed
. when I realized I was missing a pinky fingernail.
... the skin on the back of the little finger became hard and always had a triangle-like shape.
...below the knee was always edematous and painful.
...I always hated wearing skirts because the muscles on the outside below the knee were always tight.

one's twenties

. He had severe migraines, knee pain, and cold feet. I was waking up in the middle of the night because my feet were too cold.
After meeting Keiro Yuasa, my O-legs improved in one week.
Knee and hip pain improved.
I have better headaches and I don't take Bufferin anymore.
My feet are no longer cold and I don't wake up with cold feet anymore.

interpoint (interword separation)My pinky fingernail started to grow and I thought pinky fingernails grow back.
interpoint (interword separation)I was happy to get my butt up too.
Normal temperature increased from 35.6 to 36.5 degrees Celsius over 3 years.
Pregnant 3 years later


I was so busy raising my child that I skipped YOSHIRO SOCKS and HIRONOBA EXERCISE.
... Gradually, the menstrual cramps were getting worse, but they were left untreated.
... I was in so much pain that I almost fainted a few times.
I went to see a gynecologist and found that my right ovary had ruptured.
Surgery to remove the right ovary
My doctor assured me that I would not be able to conceive with my own eggs.

Late 30s

At the age of 36, she returned to work after settling down to raise her children.
I started wearing Yoshiro Socks and Yoshiro Shoes for my daily walks.
...39 years old, I see a gynecologist because I'm not feeling well and he says, "It's a pregnancy.


Suspected ovarian cancer at age 16

I had been experiencing gynecological problems since elementary school. I had severe menstrual cramps, and even taking Bufferin did not help. 16 years old, I went to a gynecologist near my home for the first time, where I found out that I had an ovarian tumor.

As I aged while undergoing treatment, my ovarian tumor worsened and my ovaries became enlarged. My tumor marker numbers went up and I was told, "I suspect ovarian cancer. If it was cancer, ......?" I was in a complete darkness in front of my eyes.

Gradually, her abdomen began to swell, and it turned out to be "ascites" caused by an ovarian tumor, which could rupture at any time, so she was admitted to the hospital for emergency surgery.

Prior to the surgery to remove my left ovary, I said to my doctor, "You want to have a baby, right? One of them is normal, so don't worry." I was relieved. Until then, I had never strongly thought, "I definitely want to have a child! I had never thought so strongly about having a child.

But when it came time to have my ovaries removed, I thought seriously for the first time about how I would live the rest of my life. I thought, "How did I get an ovarian tumor? I asked my doctor, "If there is a possibility that the other one could develop an ovarian tumor, I would like to know the cause and how to deal with it," but he answered crisply, "I don't know.

At the time, I had no plans to get married yet, but I analyzed my body in my own way and wondered if there was any relationship between the worse left O-leg and the ovarian tumor on the left side. But the doctor at the hospital told me that there was no relationship. Without a clear cause-and-effect relationship or the cause of the ovarian tumor, I would spend my days worrying about the future.

Severe O-legs improved in one week, and after three years, she became pregnant naturally.

I was 24 years old when I married my husband, who was 6 years older than me. I had told my husband from the moment we met that I was physically unable to have children, so he decided to respect my wishes by telling me that I did not have to force myself to have a baby.

My husband, in a strange turn of events, noticed that my little toe was off the ground and asked, "Why is your little toe floating?" I told him that my pinky toes had not been on the ground for as long as I can remember. My husband thought it was normal for all toes to be on the ground, so it came as a shock to him that his pinky toes were floating.

So my husband kept stretching and massaging me to somehow get my floating little finger on the ground, and for a moment my little finger was on the ground. Then I felt, "I can get strength on the inside of my leg!" and I told my husband that "when the little toe touches the ground, there is strength inside the leg," but he didn't really understand what this term meant at the time.

After about a week of this, one day while I was taking a bath, I noticed something unusual. The ankles of my feet were sticking together! Before I knew it, my knees were closed!" I was so surprised that I said to myself, "Gasp! I was so surprised that I yelled out, "Gah! My husband thought, "Did I get another cockroach?" But as I stood in the bathroom excitedly saying, "My knees...my knees are attached," he too was surprised to see that my O-legs had improved so much.

I had terrible O-legs since elementary school, and I had such a complex about them that I would hide my legs in long skirts. However, compared to a week ago, my O-legs had clearly improved.

My knees no longer hurt, my headaches got better before I knew it, I no longer had to take Bufferin, my sensitivity to cold got better, and I no longer woke up with cold, clammy feet. I noticed that the pain in my hip joints as well as my knees disappeared, and gradually all the body problems I had been having for a long time, such as swelling, menstrual cramps, back pain, and stiff shoulders, also disappeared.

It was also around this time that my pinky fingernails began to grow and I thought to myself, "I didn't know pinky fingernails could grow. My hips also rose and I remember how happy I was to see the change in my appearance. my body temperature was about 35.6 degrees when I was a teenager, but my O-legs got better and my temperature gradually started to rise, and after about three years, 36.5 degrees was my normal temperature.

Then, to my own real surprise, I found out that I was pregnant when my O-legs got better and my normal temperature was 36.5~36.7 degrees. I had burning and nausea, so at first I thought it was early menopause due to early menopause. Just to be sure, I took a pregnancy test and the result was positive. My husband and I were delighted. The doctor told me that although the number of eggs had decreased due to the removal of my ovaries, I had always had the habit of eating a well-balanced diet, which probably helped maintain the quality of my eggs.

I was anxious before the birth, but I was able to safely give birth to a girl.

There was a time when I thought that if my husband wanted children for the future, we might as well both lead different lives. After much thought and serious discussion with my husband, he and I decided to get married, and I am very grateful to him and his family for their acceptance when we were able to have a child.

He was diagnosed with an ovarian tumor again, even though he was in perfect health.

He always gets an "A" in his health checkups. She eats a diet that pays more attention to food additives, seasonings, and nutritional balance than anyone around her. I somehow forgot about my leg problems and was also busy raising my children, which kept me away from spending time wearing Yoshiro Socks and Yoshiro Shoes.

It was in February 2016 (I was 32 at the time) that I was diagnosed with a ruptured ovary.

Gradually, the menstrual cramps became worse, and after a couple of painful periods that almost made me faint, I happened to visit a small clinic where I was told that I should see a larger hospital at least once. Feeling a little uneasy, I went for an examination at Saiseikai Hospital at the beginning of the year, and the doctor told me. The doctor told me that I had a tumor on my right ovary, and that my ovary had ruptured.

I was aware of the symptoms, but honestly, I didn't really feel them. I had a mixture of emotions in my head. I didn't cry a single tear at the time, but the first time I thought of my husband's face as he said, "It would be nice to have another child," tears spilled out.

At that time, I was told that it was the right ovary that had ruptured. The doctor decided that it would be better to remove it as soon as possible because the ovary may have torsion and ruptured, and if that happens, the tumor may spread to other organs and the stage may go up.

I did not get a second opinion. Partly because I didn't have time, but most of all because I couldn't stand the pain.If the ovaries are removed and sent to pathology to determine the degree of malignancy and then treated,remissionIt's a disease that does--.We have to believe in what the doctor said and do our best. That was my husband and I's conclusion.

After I started working again, I started wearing Yoshiro Socks every day.

After two ovariectomies, two miscarriages, and recurrent knee pain, headaches, and cold sores, I was 36 years old when I decided to reevaluate my physical health when I started working again.

With a desk job, free footwear, and an office close to home, I started wearing Yoshiro Socks and Yoshiro Shoes every day again. I also made daily walking a part of my routine to change my lifestyle and improve my constitution again.

When it comes to reviewing one's lifestyle, I think most people review their physical health by paying attention to food and exercising. And health is not only about physical health, but also about mental health, as my husband always says, "If you change your attitude, you change your mind." and "Miracles are not something that happens, they are something that happens." I think it is important to have a healthy mind and a healthy body.

Knowing that the repetition of "now" will create "the future," it is important to know what I am trying to do now. If you think about it, it is a matter of course. If you live hard in the present, you will become the future you that you deserve.

After having both ovaries removed, I have some regrets about the past, but the most important thing is to live "now" as hard as I can. I have come to believe that those who absorb the good and the bad in their entirety and strive to transform them into their own strength can create a great self.

I have seen it happen. "Wish hard, work hard to make your wish come true, and your efforts will surely bring about a miracle." I have seen up close how a patient with a spinal cord injury who was bedridden was recovered to the point where he could walk, and how a hospital was rebuilt that no one believed in. I believe that the reason my husband was able to reacquire walking and rebuild the hospital, which was thought to be absolutely impossible, was not because he was waiting for a miracle, but because he tried to make a miracle happen with faith and good intentions.

A real miracle happened in the third year.

I'm not the only one who thinks, "I wish a miracle would happen right now." I think God is giving us a little trial. With that in mind, my husband took me for an hour-long walk, rain, wind, snow, hot or cold, not missing a single day.

My O-legs, which had been getting worse due to slacking off, got better before I knew it, my knee pain, headaches, and coldness were gone, and my basal body temperature had risen to 37 degrees Celsius. However, I sometimes wondered if I was going through menopause. It was the winter of my 38th year.

Congratulations, you're pregnant!"

When the doctor told me, I was a little confused. She said, "Doctor, I don't have both ovaries, are you sure it's pregnancy?" But she assured me that she was sure because she could see the baby on the ultrasound. My belly was getting bigger and I could clearly see the shape of the baby.

Miracles do happen..."

I had felt as if I were a person when I saw my husband telling his patients, "Don't give up easily without even trying," but now I understand what he meant.

Never give up. Standing straight up against the ground is what makes miracles happen.

Do not be overconfident that you are healthy. Even if you are young, I would like you to have regular checkups, see a hospital if you have even the slightest concern, and stop somewhere in your busy life.If you feel you need to be prepared for any risk,YOSHIRO SOCKSand ... andYOSHIRO SHOESI think we should consider such things as the following.I don't know if my husband was convinced, but he always used to say, "People have the ability to recover from any condition,Changing the "quality of blood," "quantity of blood," and "flow of blood" will maximize the natural healing ability of the human body.The first step is the ability to take on new challenges without giving up. The first step is the ability to take action, to try things without giving up. And to stand up straight and walk straight, which has worked miracles for me.

Looking back on the past, I cannot by any means say that I am glad I had cancer or that it was a good experience, but it is true that overcoming such experiences as a couple helped me become more aware of my health and experience the mysteries of the body. Having said that, it would be better if I never got sick. But with a supportive husband, parents who helped me not to worry about money, and friends who were more concerned about me than I was, I had a great opportunity to be grateful to those around me. I hope that this realization will lead me to encourage others who are suffering from the same disease, as well as to disseminate information about "HIRONOBA EXERCISE" and "YOSHIRO SOCKS" on social networking sites.


The story behind the birth of the baby

If any of you are struggling with infertility, rather than trying blindly, review the basics. Start with your toes.


With O-legs, I sometimes had pain around the hip joint. My ovaries are close to my hip joints, so I had a feeling that if my hip joints were twisted, blood flow would be compromised and my ovaries would be affected. However, I was at a loss as to how to improve my O-legs. Please refer to the following links if you would like to know more.


How did you get your O-legs to improve? Many people have asked me, "How did you improve your O-legs?" Except that you were tweaking your little toe, and you were actually wearing my shoes to work.


I was wearing converse, but they pointed out that they were not good for me, so they made me wear 27cm shoes as they told me, and I was working in real estate.


It's a good thing I was on my feet, too. I was walking all day long in real estate sales, so I think it worked fast.


Even after I got home, I thought I was a demon, running 4 kilometers or something.


You had some youthful indiscretions back then. Shoe selection is a very important part of walking, so please refer to the following link.


Only my O-legs got better and I was happy, but over time, various physical ailments improved and you had your first and second child when your body temperature was just 36.7 degrees.


My body temperature is about 37.0~37.2 degrees. Body temperature is not everything, but since my wife's body temperature was in the 35 degree range, I couldn't do that even if I could. But my O-legs got better, and my posture was hunched, but now it's straight.


Yes, yes. I did feel that good posture makes the blood flow so much better. I was amazed at how much less jacket I had to wear in the winter. I also no longer get frostbite. Posture is important for the uterus and ovaries, so please refer to the link below as well.


At the time, I was wearing regular five-toed socks, but with a research habit, I thought that if I pursued five-toed socks, I could correct them with the "power of thread. I even went to a sock factory for an apprenticeship.


I stayed overnight at the factory. They made a mountain of prototypes on the spot, some devilishly hard, some devilishly thin, and I was made to wear a lot of them.


With my wife, it was easy to see the effect of the prototype socks, and if they didn't have corrective power, I would go back to O-legs. It really helped me. If you are suffering from gynecological problems like my wife, try YOSHIRO SOCKS.


The insoles worked great, too. I felt warm even in winter, and most importantly, I had never felt the sensation of wearing shoes that felt so good.


That's right. In the end, through trial and error, I was able to standardize the shape of the insoles to improve my O-legs. If the shape were even slightly different, my body would revert to O-legs, so I would not have been able to do it otherwise.


I think shoes, socks, and insoles are the strongest when these three things come together. If you are careless and wear sandals, you will get sick.


That's right. Most people blame their poor physical condition on normality, age, muscle strength, or genetics. yoshiro Shoes will be released in September 2023, and we hope you will try them as well.


YOSHIRO SHOES wore the prototype for about a year, and it was better than New Balance, an orthopedic shoe manufacturer. m1400 costs 40,000 yen and is very popular and hard to find. yoshiro model includes standardized insoles, so it's nice that it's available in the 20,000 yen range! The YOSHIRO MODEL includes a standardized insole, so I am glad to know that it is available at 20,000 yen! Is it too much to say that I got pregnant because I was wearing these shoes and YOSHIRO SOCKS?


I have had the idea of making shoes that could work miracles for more than 10 years, so I made these shoes with the feeling of "I'll make sure you get pregnant! I made these shoes with the feeling of "I will make you pregnant! I believe that if I can make my family happy, I can make those around me happy.


They are "orthopedic shoes" but very fashionable. I hope they will be a ray of hope for as many people as possible, as they can be used in conjunction with infertility treatment.

Keiro Yuasa
Doctor of Toe (Physical Therapist)
Leading expert in toe research. Physical therapist. Director of the Toe Research Institute. President of the Japanese Society of Functional Toe Therapy. Developer of Hironoba Gymnastics, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO INSOLE, and Halmek shoes. Conducted research at the University of Tokyo and International University of Health and Welfare. Former director, vice president, medical director, and head of the day-care rehabilitation center at General Hospital. Author of numerous books. He has appeared on "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)," "NHK Gatten," "NHK BS New Common Sense of Beauty and Youth," "NHK Sakidori," and many other TV programs, and has written many books, including "Grab Your Toes in Just 5 Minutes and Your Hips and Back Will Never Swing Again! (PHP Publishing Co., Ltd.) and many others.

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