Modern medical rehabilitation has its limitations. Patients do not get better with rehabilitation such as joint range of motion training, muscle strengthening training, balance training, and gait training.

In the 1950s, a physical therapist conducted an experiment.

The question was, "Which group had better treatment outcomes, those who did rehabilitation or those who did not?


Knowing your limits is also important as a therapist.

Results were better in the non-rehabilitated group than in the rehabilitated group.This is a fact. In this era, we called it "treatment," but the body is better off without treatment. Believe it or not, the limitations of rehabilitation were proven over 60 years ago in the United States.When I was in the hospital as a physical therapist, I once conducted an experiment on 100 patients. Which group had better treatment results, the group with rehabilitation or the group without rehabilitation? The results were exactly the same, and the data showed that the rehabilitated group was worse, not the other way around.The same is true for the bovace method. The same was true for the bovine procedure, which was verified in the United States in 1970 and found to be ineffective.

I was so appalled by my own experimentation that I submitted my resignation after five years as a physical therapist. I wondered if the dream I had been chasing was an illusion, and when I saw the reality that rehabilitation made me worse, I decided I could not be involved with my patients any longer.Mistakenly believe that physical therapy (rehabilitation) has improved what was restored by natural healing.Some therapists do. This is a fact that we all experience if we do a controlled experiment, but not many therapists would do such a thing. However, I wondered very much whether it is really in the best interest of the patients to continue to perform rehabilitation without any question, honestly believing what the authority figures say and without any results.

But the questioning also gave me the opportunity to change my point of view,Knowing our limitations, we established our own method.I could do that. I think that any method is fine as long as the patient gets better. However, as a medical professional, I think it is necessary to make sure that the patient's body will not relapse, that the patient's body will not keep coming back, and that the patient will recover with responsibility to the end, no matter what the symptoms are. If you decide your own area and say, "My role ends here," or "That is not my area of expertise," you are running away from your responsibility.

Learning outside your area of expertise.

I don't think it is a problem for me if you are free to continue going to the clinic. It is up to the individual, so even if the results are not good, he/she may continue to go for rehabilitation. However, Japan is different from the U.S. in thatIt is a universal health insurance program and the co-payment is between 10% and 30%. Some people continue to go to the clinic because it "feels good" even if they don't see results!. Some people say they go for prevention, but I feel that it is not a good idea to use insurance to provide prevention. Basically, medical care saves lives. If one can sustain one's own life through self-care, going to the hospital is unnecessary. The people who really need medical care are those who cannot sustain life on their own. However, the government's healthcare costs continue to grow as it provides unnecessary medical care, and those who need it may not be able to receive it.It is the next generation of children who will bear the burden of today's health care costs, and that burden continues to grow!The following is a list of the most common problems with the

The first step in the lack of results is to change your perspective.To do this, you should try to learn many areas. If you are a physical therapist, try to learn about occupational therapy, speech therapy, nursing, dentistry, childcare, architecture, design, programming, etc. Try to learn about orthopedic diseases, central nervous system diseases, pediatric diseases, sports diseases, respiratory diseases, etc., without being limited to your own specialty. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, just read up on it. Go to bookstores and read through health books. Keep looking at it without preconceived notions, even if you think that the health method is dubious.Then, at some point, a ray of light will appear. There will come a time when the dots of knowledge that have been dots until now will be connected by a line.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

I believe that some people, like me, enter the world of toes because of a "word from my wife". We can hypothesize and theorize the logic that everything can be solved by expanding the toes. We will be able to test it clinically and establish it as a method.Evidence is secondary, and the first step is to heal the patient in front of you.If we had the time and money, we could do a controlled experiment to compare and contrast to establish evidence.

A change in perspective is needed.

Because all cells in the human body are replaced every three months,If it does not work after 3 months, change the method.I think it would be a good idea. I feel that it is a waste of time for both parties to stick to the conventional way of doing things without being able to do so. It is important to change our perspective, to throw away our conventional knowledge, and to start by observing the body from a more detached perspective. It is a beginner to look at the knees because the knees hurt. Looking at your feet because your back hurts is also a beginner. If you are an advanced practitioner, you can start by asking about lifestyle. Imagine yourself as the patient and imagine your daily life pattern. Then look at the joints, muscles, feet, shoes, and gait to find the answer.

Saying we can't do it because we don't have time is the same as throwing away medical care. I think the current rehab timeframe is 20 minutes. I also have a 15 minute time slot in the hospital outpatient clinic, where I do AKA, ask about lifestyle, ask about goals, check shoes and insoles, and look at toe function. It's hard to get used to it as a routine at first, but preparation is important and it's not that difficult if you make your own leads.

...and ask them to bring their own shoes and insoles.

I'll ask him to take off his socks.

Ask them to prepare questions in advance.

Review and confirm self-care items in advance.

Take quick photos of feet and posture

・Photo comparisons should be prepared from the last time they were taken.

Complete the walk-through before entering the room.

If you make this a routine, you will be able to do it smoothly without any problems in a month or so. if you want to make it better the first time, you need to set aside at least 60 minutes, but a 30-year-old patient has been in this condition for 30 years. There is a limit to how much you can change 30 years of accumulation in one day, so take it easy.Getting results in about six sessions will also help to ensure that the body does not relapse again and again.

Keiro Yuasa
Doctor of Toe (Physical Therapist)
Leading expert in toe research. Physical therapist. Director of the Toe Research Institute. President of the Japanese Society of Functional Toe Therapy. Developer of Hironoba Gymnastics, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO INSOLE, and Halmek shoes. Conducted research at the University of Tokyo and International University of Health and Welfare. Former director, vice president, medical director, and head of the day-care rehabilitation center at General Hospital. Author of numerous books. He has appeared on "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)," "NHK Gatten," "NHK BS New Common Sense of Beauty and Youth," "NHK Sakidori," and many other TV programs, and has written many books, including "Grab Your Toes in Just 5 Minutes and Your Hips and Back Will Never Swing Again! (PHP Publishing Co., Ltd.) and many others.

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