Toe springs in shoes promote "floating toes"!

Commentary by a toe doctor

Keiro Yuasa

Physical Therapist, Doctor of Toes, Director of Toe Research Institute, President of the Japanese Society of Functional Foot and Toe Therapy, and developer of Halmek shoes. Former director, vice president, and medical director of General Hospital. His specialties are exercise physiology and anatomy. He is also a foot and shoe specialist and a leading expert in postural occlusion therapy. He has cured various orthopedic diseases (over 70,000 people) with toe therapy alone.

Toe spring is a feature of most shoes, including athletic shoes, that deforms the toe of the shoe. Toe-spring refers to how far the toe portion of the shoe is off the ground or support surface. The current industry standard for toe spring in most types of footwear is 15 degrees. In other words, Most shoes have unnaturally extended toes (raised to 15 degrees)Held or fixed in positionThe following is a list of the most common problems with the


Why immobilization is a problem

This 15 degree angle of toe-spring immobilization is problematic. This is because the toes function with a balanced tendon pull system. The toes are perfectly balanced between the tendons that pull from above and those that pull from below. After years of wearing conventional shoes that lock the toes in an extended (raised to 15 degrees) position, the tendons at the top of the toes pull more than those at the bottom and sides of the toes. This imbalance is, Thinning of the toes andCoupled with the negative effects of shoes to ,flexor tendinitisand ... andfloating fingerThe various types collectively referred to asToe deformityand lower extremities andKnee specific problemsThis can cause the

Localized pressure on the base of the toes

Wearing shoes with thick, soft soles and unnatural toe springs means that there is a very large amount of pressure on the base of the toes. This localized pressure can lead to many different toe ball problems, including neuromas. Shoes that are completely flat from heel to toe distribute the force of your body weight across the entire forefoot, reducing pressure on the base of the toes and sensitive tissues such as nerves and blood vessels that pass through this area.

Just a word of caution, for those who already have toe deformities and a heel center of gravity, shoes with full flats and thick soles can be detrimental to foot health. Therefore, in designing shoes,The height of the sole and the angle of the toe spring must be carefully calculatedThe first is the

The shoes developed in collaboration with Halmek are called YOSHIRO MODEL, which are meticulously calculated and designed.The YOSHIRO MODEL tilts the heel and forefoot (including the toes) slightly forward, stabilizing the foot and ankle and distributing the force of body weight across the foot,Natural arch supportThe insole is equipped with an insole that allows for Combining a neutral-position platform with a sole that can easily bend and twist, and a box with the widest toe area, the shoe strengthens the foot and keeps the foot comfortable and healthy.

Keiro Yuasa
Doctor of Toe (Physical Therapist)
Leading expert in toe research. Physical therapist. Director of the Toe Research Institute. President of the Japanese Society of Functional Toe Therapy. Developer of Hironoba Gymnastics, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO INSOLE, and Halmek shoes. Conducted research at the University of Tokyo and International University of Health and Welfare. Former director, vice president, medical director, and head of the day-care rehabilitation center at General Hospital. Author of numerous books. He has appeared on "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)," "NHK Gatten," "NHK BS New Common Sense of Beauty and Youth," "NHK Sakidori," and many other TV programs, and has written many books, including "Grab Your Toes in Just 5 Minutes and Your Hips and Back Will Never Swing Again! (PHP Publishing Co., Ltd.) and many others.

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