Case of improvement of hallux valgus

Commentary by a toe doctor

Keiro Yuasa

Physical Therapist, Doctor of Toes, Director of Toe Research Institute, President of the Japanese Society of Functional Foot and Toe Therapy, and developer of Halmek shoes. Former director, vice president, and medical director of General Hospital. His specialties are exercise physiology and anatomy. He is also a foot and shoe specialist and a leading expert in postural occlusion therapy. He has cured various orthopedic diseases (over 70,000 people) with toe therapy alone.



Until now, pressure on the thumb caused by "narrow shoes" has been considered the cause of big toe, but Keiro Yuasa created a guideline for big toe in 2014 that has revolutionized the treatment of big toe in Japanese medicine. Through years of research in clinical practice,The original cause of hallux valgus was poor foot muscle strength due to "floating toes" and "flexed toes".Beginning in 2014, the treatment of hallux valgus in hospitals and clinics has changed dramatically, with many facilities now offering instruction on correct shoe selection, correct shoe wear, correct sock selection, and correct toe exercises. It is possible to change both the pain and the shape of the big toe without surgery.

Case 1: The pain in the big toe disappeared even after wearing pumps for a long time!

I had always noticed that the base of my foot was protruding. At first I thought it might be the big toe, but I had no pain and loved wearing high-heeled pumps without any concern. Even after I started working, I got into the habit of wearing pumps and wore them every day. Recently, however, I began to feel pain not only when walking, but also when sitting still. I decided to visit Dr. Yuasa to do something about my throbbing feet. The doctor told me about YOSHIRO SOCKS, five-toed socks for orthopedic use, and instructed me on how to take care of my feet at home. At first, I thought, "Isn't this too much trouble?" but when I actually tried them on, they were very comfortable.

And to my surprise, the pain gradually lessened as I continued. I am going to share Dr. Yuasa's advice and the benefits of "YOSHIRO SOCKS" with my friends and colleagues at my workplace who also wear pumps all the time. I hope that this method will also help those who suffer from pain in the big toe. Through this experience, I have keenly realized that it is very important to take care of one's own health. I will continue to take care of my feet on a daily basis and make every effort to keep them healthy.

Keiro Yuasa

Hallux valgus can be caused by wearing high-heeled pumps for long periods of time or improper shoes. Corrective socks can help return the foot to its normal position and relieve pain.

Case 2: After curing my big toe, I can play golf again, which was my hobby!

Feeling discomfort in her lower back, she visited an orthopedic surgeon and the diagnosis was "lumbar deformity slip. I tried rehabilitation, but there was no improvement, and eventually I developed numbness in both legs as well. My doctor recommended surgery and informed me of the risks involved, but I was unable to take the plunge. As I could no longer play golf and my daily life was becoming more and more difficult, I consulted with Dr. Yuasa, who pointed out that I had hallux valgus. I was not aware of it, but he told me that it was indeed a symptom of hallux valgus, and hearing that simply wearing YOSHIRO SOCKS might alleviate the problem, I decided to give them a try. Then, to my surprise, the pain was relieved and my feet and back felt more stable. This allowed me to enjoy playing golf again and to have a positive outlook on life.

Keiro Yuasa

Hallux valgus is a condition that occurs when the toes bend inward and can also affect the lower back due to lumbar deformity slip YOSHIRO SOCKS are designed to help maintain the proper position of the toes and relieve symptoms of hallux valgus. Wearing these socks will relieve pain and numbness and increase stability of the feet and hips. Proper care and use of aids are important to enjoy daily life and the hobby of golf. If you have any symptoms that concern you, please contact us as soon as possible.

Case 3: Pain in the feet and legs that made it difficult to walk was resolved! The big toe and O-legs also improved!

I began to suffer from back pain as a result of a jinrikuri back injury. I suffered severe pain in my lower back, right ankle, back of my knee, and thighs, making it difficult to live a normal life. I wore a corset to relieve the pain and used an umbrella as a walking stick when I went out. The treatment at physical therapy and hospitals had little effect, and I was diagnosed with spinal canal stenosis and recommended surgery, but I couldn't take the plunge because I was too lazy to stay in the hospital. However, I saw an article about improving O-legs and decided to visit Dr. Keiro Yuasa. After diagnosing the condition of my feet, he found not only O-legs but also bunions and floating toes, and instructed me to wear corrective five-finger socks and to do the Hironoba exercises.

With a single-minded desire to get rid of the pain, I wore YOSHIRO SOCKS and did the HIRONOBA exercises without fail. As a daily habit, I worked on it mainly in the morning and evening, and my pain was greatly reduced, and I no longer need medication or a corset. She is now able to move around in her daily life without the use of an umbrella cane, and is able to ascend and descend stairs smoothly. With determination to continue improving on my own, I plan to continue YOSHIRO SOCKS and HIRONOBA Exercises.

Keiro Yuasa

I hope that my treatment methods will be of some help to those who suffer from distressing back pain. Physical distortion and discomfort can be caused by a variety of factors, but by adopting correct posture and exercise therapy, the possibility of improvement can be increased. There are many examples of people like this person who, with steady effort, are able to reduce pain and lead a more comfortable daily life. yoshiro socks and hironoba exercises are effective items that are easy to incorporate into daily life. We believe that continuous effort is a step toward a healthy body.

Case 4: After the big toe was healed, the meniscus injury also recovered!

Several years ago I suffered from knee pain in my right leg. It was waterlogged, painful, and I could not walk, and yet I managed to walk normally by building up my muscles. However, a year and a half ago, my left knee began to hurt as well, and the doctor told me, "The meniscus is deteriorating. The doctor told me that the pain was caused by aging and that I would have to get used to it and get along with it. I was unable to sit up straight and had given up wearing kimonos.

I met Dr. Keiro Yuasa through a friend and he pointed out my big toe and bent toe. He instructed me on correct posture and standing, and I was able to sit upright on the spot. I started wearing HIRONOBA EXERCISE and YOSHIRO SOCKS every day and doing the exercises, and two months later, my big toe was straightened out. The pain in my knees almost disappeared and I can now go down the stairs with ease. I can now sit on my knees for about 30 minutes and enjoy wearing a kimono. My slight O-legs have also improved, and I can now wear skirts and pumps.

Keiro Yuasa

We are very happy to hear your story. It is truly wonderful to hear that your big toe and bent toe symptoms have improved, that your knee pain has decreased, and that you can now sit on your knees and enjoy your kimono life again. We are very happy to hear that HIRONOBA EXERCISE and YOSHIRO SOCKS have been effective and that your quality of life has improved. We hope that you will continue to take care of your body and we will continue to support you so that you can lead an increasingly healthy and comfortable life. Thank you very much for your continued support.

Case 5: After curing the big toe, the patient was able to easily descend stairs before he knew it.

I have been concerned about my big toe for the past 10 years. The condition was particularly bad on my right foot, and my thumb was bent inward, and I was worried that it might overlap with the next toe. He had no strength when walking, and his ring finger was also deformed, making it inconvenient for him. In addition, his knee, which he had injured skiing 15 years ago, had recently begun to ache, causing him pain when he walked.

However, about a year after starting YOSHIRO SOCKS and HIRONOBA Exercises, the range of motion of my toes has expanded and my thumbs are now touching the ground. This allows me to put more force when walking and makes walking more comfortable. In addition, my ring toe has also been extended, and the symptoms of my big toe have improved. Amazingly, the pain in my knee has also disappeared and I can now descend stairs smoothly. I did the HIRONOBA exercises for 5 minutes each day while watching TV and in the bath. In addition, I also practiced walking with small steps wearing YOSHIRO SOCKS. I am grateful for the results of my efforts to improve my body.

Keiro Yuasa

It is wonderful to see that the patient voluntarily worked on improving her big toe and knee pain, which can be a big burden in her daily life, and that she was able to feel the results of her efforts. I am sure that the simple home exercises such as YOSHIRO SOCKS and Hironoba Exercises contributed greatly to the improvement of the symptoms. With continued efforts, you will be able to lead an even healthier life. I recommend that you reaffirm the importance of such self-management and continue to actively engage in such activities.

Case 6: Practicing YOSHIRO SOCKS! My big toe deformity was cured and my husband's feet became less tired.

You've improved a lot!" After being soothed by Dr. Yuasa's cheerful voice and wearing YOSHIRO SOCKS and continuing to do the HIRONOBA exercises, my big toe improved in just two months and the pain in my thumb also disappeared. I was concerned about my big toe but did not take it seriously, until one night I experienced severe pain in my left thumb. When I was puzzled by the recurring pain, my husband became concerned and suggested that I consult Dr. Yuasa. My husband worked standing up in a department store and took his foot health very seriously. I also decided to see Dr. Yuasa to improve my foot problems.

As a result of the examination, it was pointed out that my left and right thumbs were curved inward, which was affecting the progression of my big toe. In order to improve it, I started practicing YOSHIRO SOCKS and HIRONOBA Exercises. I did it every morning before finishing housework and at night after taking a bath, one leg at a time for five minutes. At first, bending and stretching my fingers and legs was painful, but as I got used to it, I was able to do it without difficulty. In addition, I followed Dr. Yuasa's advice on how to wear shoes and how to walk, and after one month the pain lessened, and after two months the deformity of the big toe was almost completely gone. We are both happy that our foot health has improved thanks to Hironoba Exercise.

Keiro Yuasa

That is truly a wonderful result, and I am very happy that YOSHIRO SOCKS and the HIRONOBA exercises have been so effective in reducing your pain. The health of your feet is an important part of your daily life, so I hope you will continue to take good care of them. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Case7.Miracle effect I experienced! Improvement of hallux valgus and herniated disc!

I had been suffering from hallux valgus and a herniated disc for several years. The pain and numbness interfered with my daily life to the extent that my doctor recommended surgery. But then I learned about the HIRONOVA Exercises and YOSHIRO SOCKS socks developed by Dr. Yuasa. I was skeptical at first, but in my desperate situation, I decided to give it a try. Hironoba Gymnastics corrects body distortion through simple movements, and YOSHIRO SOCKS were said to be effective in shaping the feet by strengthening the muscles in the soles of the feet. I was taught that daily continuation was the key, and I worked hard at it. To my surprise, after a few months, I noticed a gradual reduction in the pain in my big toe. And after a few more months, I noticed that the symptoms of my herniated disc had also improved. I was filled with surprise and gratitude for the miraculous effect. Thanks to Dr. Yuasa's knowledge and skills, HIRONOBA EXERCISE and YOSHIRO SOCKS have changed my body. I will continue to do so and live a healthy and happy life.

Keiro Yuasa

That is truly a wonderful result, and I am very happy that YOSHIRO SOCKS and the HIRONOBA exercises have been so effective in reducing your pain. The health of your feet is an important part of your daily life, so I hope you will continue to take good care of them. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Case 8. knee pain that prevented painkiller injections from working disappears, and he is able to sit upright and travel.

The pain in my right knee became so severe that I received painkiller injections at the hospital. I received injections three times a week, but after six months I could no longer take the injections and switched to taking medication. After that, both knees began to hurt and I had difficulty walking. I had to carry two canes to go out and even slide on a cushion to move around the house. I could not work in the fields or travel, and I despaired of not being able to use my legs as much as I wanted.

At that time, my son and his wife took me to a foot specialist. There, they pointed out the deformity of my big toe and floating toes, and taught me YOSHIRO SOCKS and HIRONOBA exercises. I continued to do the exercises and wear YOSHIRO SOCKS in a posture that avoided medicine. Then, after three weeks, I was surprised that I could walk without a cane. The pain in my knee eased and I was able to enjoy my former activities. I can now sit upright with ease, and hope and freedom have returned to my life.

Keiro Yuasa

It is wonderful that your symptoms have improved; YOSHIRO SOCKS and HIRONOBA EXERCISE support proper posture and movement and promote natural healing. For those suffering from pain and discomfort, it is important to consider treatment focusing on the cause of the pain, not just the symptoms. By getting your body in shape, you will improve your quality of life and regain your enjoyment of life.

Case 9: Solved the problem of big toe! The joy of walking without pain was restored!

I had always suffered from bunions and spent my days walking with pain on a regular basis. I changed my shoes and had massages, but nothing improved, and I was wondering what I should do. At that time, a friend told me about the "Hironoba Exercise. This exercise slowly stretches the painful area using the toes, and I was told that it was also effective for big toe.

I tried it right away, and although some parts were a little difficult at first, as I continued to do so daily, I gradually felt the pain lessen. By using my toes, I found that the muscles in my feet began to move more firmly and the strain of walking was reduced. In addition, I started wearing socks called YOSHIRO SOCKS at the same time as these exercises. These socks support the arch of the sole, so the muscles of the entire foot can be used effectively.

Then something amazing happened. A few weeks later, when I was walking as usual, I noticed that the pain was almost gone! It had been a long time since my big toe had stopped bothering me, and I was really impressed. Thanks to daily exercises and YOSHIRO SOCKS, I no longer suffer from bunions. I am so thankful that I am free from pain that I feel as if all my past hardships are a lie. I would like to encourage anyone who suffers from bunions to try HIRONOBA EXERCISE and YOSHIRO SOCKS. You may be relieved from the pain like I was and enjoy walking.

Keiro Yuasa

Hallux valgus causes pain when walking and can interfere with daily life. We encourage you to try effective methods such as HIRONOBA EXERCISE and YOSHIRO SOCKS to relieve the pain, as these methods are easy to incorporate in your daily life. For those of you who suffer from bunions, I wish you all the best in finding a way to be free from pain.

Case 10: Daily life became easier! Improvement experience of hallux valgus and spinal canal stenosis

I had been suffering from hallux valgus and spinal stenosis for several years. The pain and limitation of movement often made daily life difficult. It was during this time that I met a foot specialist named Dr. Yuasa. Dr. Yuasa recommended me the Hironoba Exercise and socks called YOSHIRO SOCKS. I was skeptical at first, but I thought it was worth a try and decided to give it a try.

As I continued to do the HIRONOBA exercises and wear the YOSHIRO SOCKS for just a few minutes each day, I felt an amazing reduction in pain. The pain in my big toe was relieved, walking became easier, and my scoliosis also improved. I am so grateful to Dr. Yuasa for his advice and support, which made me the person I am today. There were many times when I almost gave up, but I am truly glad that I never gave up. Now I am free from pain and inconvenience and can lead a positive life. It is no exaggeration to say that meeting Dr. Yuasa changed my life.

Keiro Yuasa

I cannot overlook the pain and inconvenience of my patients. I believe it is my mission to always provide the best possible treatment. I am very happy to see the benefits of HIRONOBA EXERCISE and YOSHIRO SOCKS as this patient did. I respect her positive attitude and efforts. We will continue to support her and live a healthy and active life together.

39 degrees improved to 13 degrees!

I had been suffering from leg pain and a herniated disc for several years. I often felt pain in my daily life, and I was in despair because the situation did not improve even after many visits to hospitals. Then, a friend told me about the effectiveness of Dr. Yuasa's "HIRONOVA Exercises" and "YOSHIRO SOCKS. I decided to try them immediately in the hope that they would bring me some relief. And from the day I started wearing YOSHIRO SOCKS, the pain in my feet gradually lessened, and I felt an amazing change. I was surprised at the effectiveness of the HIRONOBA exercises and YOSHIRO SOCKS, and as I continued to work with them, I realized that the symptoms of my herniated disc were also improving. I was able to move more easily than before with less strain in my daily life. Now I hardly feel any pain in my legs and the symptoms of the herniated disc have almost disappeared. My life has miraculously changed after meeting Dr. Yuasa's exercises and YOSHIRO SOCKS. I am filled with gratitude. I will continue to take them without fail and live a healthy and comfortable life.

Keiro Yuasa

We are very happy to hear these words. Herniated discs and leg pain are troublesome conditions that greatly affect our daily lives, and we are very happy that HIRONOBA EXERCISE and YOSHIRO SOCKS were able to help improve your symptoms. We are happy that the combination of the exercises and socks has been so effective that you are now able to lead a comfortable life with less pain and suffering in your daily activities.

19 degrees improved to 5 degrees!


I suffered for many years from pain in my big toe. Doctors told me that there was no other way but surgery, and I could not feel any benefit from various shoes, osteopathic treatments, and osteopathic clinics. Furthermore, the pain in my knees gradually began to appear due to the pain in my big toe, and I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee. As I became increasingly concerned that I would have difficulty even walking in the future, I learned of the existence of Dr. Yuasa, a specialist in toe manipulation. I immediately visited him and learned that the cause of my big toe and knee pain was "dysfunction and deformation of the little toe. After practicing the HIRONOBA exercises, wearing YOSHIRO SOCKS, customizing shoe insoles, and the correct way to wear shoes that I was instructed to do, I found that my pain was reduced to my surprise.

Two weeks later, my knee pain and discomfort were gone and I was able to sit upright. I had quit my job due to pain in my big toe and knee, but thanks to Dr. Yuasa's guidance, I was motivated to work and was able to return to my job. And even when I walk around all day long on trips for pleasure, I no longer feel pain or fatigue, and I can now enjoy walking. With Dr. Yuasa's help, my life has changed forever. I sincerely want to tell the many people who suffer from bunions and knee pain that Dr. Yuasa's treatment and guidance can bring miracles. Meeting Dr. Yuasa was truly a miracle in my life.

Keiro Yuasa

We are truly happy to be able to help those suffering from bunions and knee pain in any way we can. As a toe specialist, I provide treatment and guidance tailored to each patient's individual symptoms in order to alleviate or improve their pain. I will continue to devote myself to supporting your health and comfortable life.

41 degrees improved to 15 degrees!

I discovered I had a problem with my big toe when I was in eighth grade. My thumb was a little more crooked than other people's, and I often got angry with my teacher because I would crush my heel when I wore narrow shoes because of the pain I felt when I wore them. When I went to the hospital to have an X-ray examination, it was found that my big toe was bent more than 40 degrees. The doctor recommended surgery, but having watched the actual surgical process on TV, I was terrified and said I did not want to have the surgery. However, the doctor told me that if I continued to age like this, I might have trouble walking and end up in a wheelchair.

Then I learned of the existence of Dr. Yuasa, a specialist in toes, and visited him with a ray of hope. Dr. Yuasa pointed out to me that I had "bent toes. He explained to me that the bending of toes other than the thumb causes bunions. I was in so much pain that I could not put any weight on my toes, but when I put on YOSHIRO SOCKS, the pain disappeared like a lie, and I no longer needed to wear special shoes that float on the toes. After returning home, I continued to do the HIRONOVA exercise for 5 minutes and wear the YOSHIRO SOCKS for another 2 weeks. Then, my thumbs were in good shape and no longer painful. Very comfortable. I can wear fashionable shoes that are a little slimmer. Even after walking for a long time, the part that used to hurt does not hurt. I had a lot of calluses and bunions on the back of my feet, but now I don't have them at all. I now have very normal feet. I am very glad that I asked Dr. Yuasa.

Keiro Yuasa

To improve hallux valgus, it is important to strengthen the muscles between the toes. By using HIRONOBA EXERCISE and YOSHIRO SOCKS, it is possible to strengthen the toe muscles and relieve the pain of hallux valgus. We are very happy to see the improvements that patients have seen through daily, steady commitment to treatment. Regular exercise and proper shoe selection are important to maintain foot health.

Made in Japan, with a special attention to detail, to support the big toe!

What is YOSHIRO SOCKS, the big toe supporter?

The cause of hallux valgus is often said in hospitals to be pressure on the toes due to "heredity, narrow shoes, and high heeled shoes" in general. However, there are no hospitals in Japan that offer biomechanical causes, and few doctors or physical therapists know the real cause. YOSHIRO SOCKS improves toe deformities and takes a fundamental approach to hallux valgus.

Click here for the supporter that improves the biggest toe in the world.


Price: 3,850 yen (tax included)
Color: white and gray
Size: 3 sizes (S, M, L)


Let's try Hironoba Exercise, a stretching method to cure big toe!

What kind of gymnastics is Hironoba Gymnastics?

HIRONOBA Exercise" is a biomechanical stretching exercise for toes based on podiatry, invented and developed by Keiro Yuasa in 2008, in which toes are spread (=hiro) and stretched (=noba). Hallux valgus has a root cause of "muscle weakness" and can be sufficiently improved by self-care if the foot muscles are strengthened.Foot stretching is one of the best treatments for hallux valgus.

The proper way to do Hironoba Exercises


Click here to see how to do the exercises that will improve your big toe.

Try to do it once a day for 5 minutes.
It is surprisingly easy to improve.


How to heal big toe at home?

In fact, pain in the big toe and the base of the thumb is almost always caused by the wrong shoe size or the way you wear your shoes.Foot slippage in shoesis the cause. When the foot slips in the shoe, a toe deformity called "floating toe" or "crouching toe" occurs.

\Here is how the world's biggest toe can be improved.

Why don't you get a thrilling life with the world's best big toe method?
Please refer to this page.

Keiro Yuasa
Doctor of Toe (Physical Therapist)
Leading expert in toe research. Physical therapist. Director of the Toe Research Institute. President of the Japanese Society of Functional Toe Therapy. Developer of Hironoba Gymnastics, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO INSOLE, and Halmek shoes. Conducted research at the University of Tokyo and International University of Health and Welfare. Former director, vice president, medical director, and head of the day-care rehabilitation center at General Hospital. Author of numerous books. He has appeared on "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)," "NHK Gatten," "NHK BS New Common Sense of Beauty and Youth," "NHK Sakidori," and many other TV programs, and has written many books, including "Grab Your Toes in Just 5 Minutes and Your Hips and Back Will Never Swing Again! (PHP Publishing Co., Ltd.) and many others.

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