HIRONOVA ®︎ method training

The essence of toes is healthy life span and
Improve the joy of work


HIRONOVA ®︎ method corporate training

This is a training program using the best-selling book "Toe Grasping" (written by Yoshiro Yuasa), which appeared on NHK's Gatten as a toe specialist. When many employees are in a state of presenteeism (working with illness), the company as a whole loses vitality, and the risk of poor performance increases. In order to maximize the potential of employees, it is important to keep them in peak condition by ensuring that they are on the right foot, in the right posture, and breathing properly. This training can be used in a wide range of employee and labor union training programs, including new employee training, management training, and other rank-specific training.

Prevention of caregiver turnover

An exodus of talented personnel can lead to stagnation of business activities and a slowdown in corporate growth. Preventing key personnel who have acquired know-how and experience from leaving the company will also improve the company's competitiveness. For family members of employees who require assistance or care, the HIRONOVA ®︎ method can improve basic activities, activities of daily living, and the level of care.

Reduce the burden of physical labor

Decreased motivation due to increased physical workload may lead to frequent mistakes and omissions. These can lead to industrial accidents and lower product quality. The HIRONOBA®︎ method is a useful tool that supports the tough footwork of people working in construction, manufacturing, agriculture, and other industries, and can lighten the burden of physical labor.

Reduction of occupational accidents

The number of occupational accidents such as bone fractures and back pain due to tripping and falling continues to increase, especially among people over 50 years of age. The Hironoba ®︎ Method has attracted attention from the media and celebrities as a Life Changing Method, as evidence has shown that it significantly changes back strength, balance ability, muscle strength needed to prevent falls, and knee and back pain.

Introductory company


Asahi Kasei Corporation

Mitsubishi Electric

Sumitomo Life Insurance


Benesse HD Corporation

Phoenix Resort K.K.

Miyazaki Bank

Senko Corporation

Miyazaki National Health Insurance Federation

Nichii Gakkan

New York University School of Dentistry

NHK Culture

Kyushu Electric Power Co.

Tokyo Metropolitan Human Resources Support Organization

Do you have any of these problems?

As employees age, their physical functions deteriorate and they fall more easily, resulting in more injuries.

More and more people are retiring due to back pain and leg pain that makes it difficult to stand for long periods of time.

I want everyone in my family to be in better physical condition and to be more healthy and comfortable in their personal lives.

We want veteran employees over 65 years old who have acquired know-how and experience to continue working.

Hiro no ba at ®︎ method.
Life and work go dramatically better.

Not only in private life, but also in business.
We overuse our "legs" and "posture" thousands and thousands of times.
Through "toenails," we can "stand firm" with every step we take,

Your health and confidence will increase, and you will dramatically improve your life and work.

Testimonials from companies that have introduced our products

<To the union training staff.
I've never had such a great response to a training program.

We plan a lecture every year for labor union members, hoping that union members who work in a heavy labor environment will gain correct knowledge on how to improve their health from the feet up, prevent falls, and improve their physical strength so that they can live comfortably. The lecture was well received by the participants who practiced the "Hironoba Exercise" at home immediately after the lecture. Their knee and back pain improved, and their families were also pleased!

A hospital-going union member was injected and medicated, but when he got his toe spread, he no longer had to go to the hospital, and he requested that more people know about it, so we are planning to ask him again.

Comments from employees who participated in the training

60's Female

I thought the title of the lecture, "Magic Exercises," was a bit over the top, but you really demonstrated the effectiveness of the exercises using a model, and I really felt the power of magic. Thank you very much.

70s Male

The patients in our home are given toe exercises by our staff. We feel that the Hironoba Method has the potential to be very useful in the future in the field of geriatric care and nursing care.

40s Male

I now understand that toes and posture play a major role in the relationship between dental irregularities, mouth breathing, periodontal patterns, and bruxism. This training has completely changed the way I look at my patients.

Training Contents

Hironoba training in the business area

We will show you how to change your body so that your basic daily activities are less tiring and less likely to cause you to trip and fall. We will not only deal with 'recovery from physical hiroba' but also with non-physical areas such as 'recovery from nervous fatigue,' 'recovery from mental fatigue,' and 'sleep quality." By developing the ability to stand your ground through the "Hironoba® Method," you will gain health and confidence in your business. Acquire the knowledge and skills to obtain health "anytime, anywhere, easily, and for anyone" without resorting to drugs or surgery.

Lecturer Profile

Hironoba ®︎ method originator

Keiro Yuasa(YOSHIRO)

While in high school, he was impressed by the work of physical therapists in a documentary program and aspired to become a physical therapist. After graduating from Yanagawa Rehabilitation Academy, he started his career at a large hospital, but he could not achieve the results he wanted and left the hospital because he felt he was not good enough. Once he left the medical world.

However, unable to give up his dream of "making people who cannot walk walk walk," he began his research. When he stretched the toes of his wife, who had suffered from O-legs for many years, her O-legs improved within a week, and he became convinced of the importance of the toes. After many trials and errors, he invented "Hironoba Exercise," a method of stretching and spreading the toes for only five minutes a day.

While teaching more than 70,000 people in total, he discovered the connection between the feet, posture, and occlusion, and developed the "Hironoba® Method". His serialization in the Nishinippon Shimbun newspaper, "Ochanomatics II: Are your toes stretched? and "NHK Gatten" as a part of foot education, which was a great success. Currently, while providing toe lessons using the HIRONOVA® Method and training "HIRONOVA® Method Instructors," she is also engaged in product development for her original brand "YOSHIRO" series, establishing foot care centers for hospitals and other medical institutions, and launching a brand specializing in shoes with HARMECK Holdings, Inc. In addition, he has established a foot care center for hospitals and other medical institutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long are the courses?

Depending on your needs, we offer a wide range of training programs, from a minimum 1-hour lecture to a 3-day (1-day classroom training + 1-day classroom and practical skills training + 1 month of classroom and practical skills training after the HIRONOBA practice) practical training. We will propose the most recommended method based on your training objectives, target audience, budget, and other conditions. We expect one-day classroom training to last 3 to 5 hours.

Will it be in a lecture format or a participatory workshop format?

We can consult with you on your objectives and requirements.

Can I choose the time of the event?

Yes. We will coordinate with you at any time you wish, weekdays and weekends (excluding holidays).
Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request if it is scheduled at the last minute due to the instructor's schedule adjustment.

What is the cost?

It depends on the course time and the number of students.

What companies have you introduced seminars to so far?

Harumek, Asahi Kasei, Mitsubishi Electric, Sumitomo Life Insurance, Kyushu Electric Power, Kyudenko, Benesse, Phoenix Resort, Miyazaki Bank, Senko Corporation, Miyazaki National Health Insurance Federation, Nichii Gakkan, Tokyo Human Resources Support Corporation, NYU, etc. We have introduced the system at

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