About Treatment


About Treatment

YOSHIRO STUDIO specializes in the treatment of podiatry and osteoarthritis of the knee. If you have been to hospitals and clinics and have been told that it does not get better, that surgery is the only way, or that there is no cure, please do not give up. No matter what the condition, human beings have the ability to recover.


Subjects of treatment

Hallux valgus
Hallux valgus
floating toe
stooped over (e.g. old people)
Flatfoot disorder
High Arch
Ingrown nails (ingrown nails)
calluses (calluses that stick to the skin)
Chicken eyes
Tinea pedis

Plantar tendonitis
Morton's neuroma
Palsy in the legs
Arthritis caused by rheumatoid arthritis
Fryberg's disease
Osteoarthritis of the foot
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Achilles tendon adhesion inflammation
Injury to internal and external collateral ligaments
Seed osteitis

Chronic pain in lower extremities
Meniscus injury
interpoint (interword separation)moniliasispectus excavatum(Pain inside the knee)
interpoint (interword separation)iliotibial ligamentitispectinitis(pain in outer side of knee)
Shin splints
Ankle jointsprainsprain(Lateral ligament injury)
Lisfranc ligament injury
Growing pains
Fatigue fracture
Unexplained leg pain

osteoarthritis of the knee

Subjects of treatment

interpoint (interword separation)Diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee and treated for over 3 months with no improvement in pain.
I've been taking sips and pain meds and it's not helping at all.
I was prescribed medications such as Loxonin, Lyrica, and Opalmon, but the pain did not improve and the side effects made me dizzy.
I had hyaluronic acid injections, but there was no improvement at all.
I have been to more than 10 osteopathic clinics, chiropractic clinics, acupuncture clinics, etc., but the pain has not gone away.
... plastic surgeon finally told me that surgery was the only way to go.
Osteoarthritis of the knee surgery, but the pain has returned.
I want to improve my pain somehow without surgery.

interpoint (interword separation)Regenerative medicine has been performed, but there is no improvement at all.

It was proven in 2012 that there is no relationship between cartilage wear and pain in the knee.

The number of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee increases with the aging of the population, with approximately 25 million currently suffering from the disease, 8 million living with pain and suppressing it with medication, etc., and approximately 100,000 people a year undergoing artificial knee joint replacement surgery as the condition progresses. Although the disease affects such a large number of patients, its pathogenesis is still largely unknown. Therefore, many people are told by their doctors that it is inevitable because of their advanced age.

Recently, if cartilage can be regenerated, this disease can be cured. Based on this idea, treatment methods applying the latest regenerative medicine, etc., have been developed one after another, and the number of hospitals that regenerate knee cartilage has increased, but this does not mean that this disease has been solved. This is because the cartilage wear and tear is only a "result" and not the root cause of the disease, so the disease will only recur.

According to a 2012 study by Ali Guermazi and his medical research team at Boston University in the United States, a knee MRI of 710 people without knee pain showed osteophytes in 74%, cartilage damage (cartilage wear and tear) in 69%, and bone marrow lesions in 52% of patients. It was proven that the higher the age, the higher the incidence of all types of abnormalities detectable by MRI, so that although some abnormality is found in the knee with so-called aging, it is "not related to pain".

Furthermore, there was a high rate of osteoarthritis in both painful (90-97%, depending on the definition of pain) and pain-free (86-88%) knees. In conclusion, the MRI showed that the radiographs of the knees showed no features of osteoarthritis, regardless of pain, and lesions in the tibiofemoral joints of most middle-aged and elderly patients.Prevalence of abnormalities in knees detected by MRI in adults without knee osteoarthritis: population based observational study

Hyaluronic acid injections are still rampant in plastic surgery. Cartilage wear and tear is a "result" and not a "cause. In severe cases, surgery is recommended to remove the cartilage or to replace it with an artificial joint, which not only makes it impossible to sit upright, but also causes pain in the opposite knee.
If you learn the basics of bone and muscle physiology, you will understand that cartilage can be restored without surgery. I have seen people regrow cartilage on their own many times. Anyone can understand that knee osteoarthritis is a disease that can be cured by self-care alone, as long as the approach is to restore (straighten) the alignment of the knee from the feet up.

There are no therapists who can practice the treatment method that Keiro Yuasa offers, not only at orthopedic clinics and clinics, but also at osteopathic clinics and chiropractic clinics around town. This is because this treatment method is hiro no ba®At YOSHIRO STUDIO, even in cases where surgery is indicated for osteoarthritis of the knee, after six treatments, 96Percentage or morehave regained a normal life.

Flow of treatment (initial visit)

Now that the age of 100 years in life is being called for, I believe that the journey of life is just beginning. We should go where we want to go, see the scenery we want to see, and live our lives with love and respect for ourselves and our lives. Through the HIRONOVA® Method, you will learn the wisdom you need for your daily life from now on. Your body will surely become healthy and refreshed. If you think, "I want to start living an ideal beautiful and healthy life, too! Please contact us if you think "I want to start my own ideal beautiful and healthy life!

First, let us know your concerns.

We take the time to listen to you carefully. This is because the key to improving your current symptoms is hidden in what you tell us. We would like you to tell us everything, including your future direction and what you hope to achieve.

Learn about your own body
Diagnosis to identify joint pain

Photographs of the toes and posture are taken to determine the cause of joint pain. 96% or more of patients have pain caused by misalignment of the sacroiliac or lumbosacral joints, and knowing the cause of misalignment of the sacroiliac or lumbosacral joints is important to prevent recurrence.

Analyze footwear
The source of all previous footwear.

The reason why your body does not improve as much as you would like after surgery, regenerative medicine, rehabilitation, etc. is because the footwear you are currently wearing is not good for your body. It is important to understand the characteristics of shoes, socks, and insoles, and review how to select and wear them.

Spread your toes in the correct order.
Training Instruction

The correct way of doing and using HIRONOBA EXERCISE, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO SHOES, YOSHIRO WALKING, and YOSHIRO PILLOW are important. In order to smoothly lead you to the ideal toes and posture, we will check and instruct you every time from the initial consultation to the end of treatment so that you can master them.

Check and treat all joints in the body.
Also check the relevance of all joints in the body.

Keiro Yuasa has developed a treatment for joint dysfunction that dramatically removes the cause of pain. Even if you have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee, herniated disc, or spinal canal stenosis, 96% of patients can improve.

Daily Life Guidance
The secret of good health is to "throw away the bad stuff.

The secret of good health is not to "take in the good" but to "throw out the bad. Some people do a lot of exercise for their health or use a lot of health equipment. What we do for good can be bad for our health, so smarting up our lives can also be a shortcut to improving pain.

Decide not to rely on surgery or drugs
Only you can make your own body better.

As long as you are willing to "change your body by yourself," your symptoms will surely get better. If you know that there is no limit to your recovery and are determined to change your body together with us, please apply for the second and subsequent courses.

Differences from orthopedics and general physical therapy (example of osteoarthritis of the knee)

Specialized in knee osteoarthritis
Orthopedics and hospitals (for surgery and regenerative medicine)General Osteopathic and Osteopathic Clinic
Diagnostic (test) featuresRoot cause examination ⇒ Immediate diagnosis of joint pain, which accounts for more than 90% of pain, or other muscular/neurological symptoms.X-rays and MRI of the knee central => Osteoarthritis of the knee is diagnosed, but the mechanism of onset of osteoarthritis of the knee is not known.Perform a simple examination ⇒ Cannot clarify the real cause of pain, ,The pathogenesis of knee osteoarthritis is not known.
MedicationImprovement without medicationYes (increased side effects)nil
SurgeryImprovement without surgeryIf the pain does not improve with medication, rehabilitation, etc., the only options are surgery or regenerative medicine.No surgery, but no drastic solution.
Treatment Indication CriteriaThe diagnosis is analyzed from the data of more than 70,000 cases, and only when the cause of the pain is the foot, sacroiliac joint, or lifestyle, it is "applicable" to HiroNoba®︎Method. (96% of all cases)If imaging findings show cartilage in the knee joint is worn away, surgery is performed even if there is no relationship to symptoms.There are no treatment standards.
Dangerous because any symptoms are treated without evidence.
Treatment time (duration)Improvement of immobility pain after 1 HiroNoba®︎Method treatment (+6 sessions to achieve radical cure)Surgery takes one to two weeks, including hospitalization, and regenerative medicine requires about six visits. Including subsequent rehabilitation, it is a semi-permanent visit.Semi-permanent prompting of 30 to 60 minutes of treatment per session.
effectHiroNoba®︎Method applicants experience improvement in pain immediately or within 24 hours to 14 days.Depending on age, weight, and severity of the disease, surgery and regenerative medicine may not be effective.Pain that is painful enough to require surgery is rarely improved.
131,000 yen
Initial visit:

33,000 yen
Treatment costs:

98,000 yen
(Socks and Shoes are available at additional cost)
The co-payment for artificial joint replacement surgery is about 110,000-180,000 yen using high-cost medical care reimbursement, while that for regenerative medicine is 270,000-1,700,000 yen (not covered by insurance).The unit price per visit is about 8,000 to 20,000 yen, but permanent visits are required with coupons. Even if the patient is not cured, the treatment may cost more than 600,000 yen for at least one year.
Risks/side effectsnil
Ultra hypoallergenic, short treatment time (safe and secure)
Revision (revision surgery) of artificial joints also carries the risk of complications such as inability to sit upright or play sports, risk of damage to the artificial joint, and nerve and blood vessel damage.Still risks of joint damage and nerve damage from electrotherapy, massage, pelvic and hip correction, fractures from strong loading, and unlicensed personnel.
prognosisDramatic improvement in pain at an early stage; many happy comments such as being able to travel domestically after one month, or traveling abroad or playing golf after two months. Provides joint maintenances about once every 3 months if desired.80% of patients will have a recurrence in the opposite knee, and more than 20% of those who become less active will consider revision surgeryDecrease in healthy life expectancy due to decreased normal activity due to ongoing pain. Various trips to various treatment centers due to lack of improvement in pain.

What sets HiroNoba®︎Method at YOSHIRO STUDIO apart from orthopedic surgery and general physical therapy clinics is the ability to examine (diagnose) the true cause of pain. 6 treatments or less will result in early improvement in over 96% of cases.

Before receiving treatment

Before receiving treatment at YOSHIRO STUDIO, please try the "HIRONOBA EXERCISE" and "YOSHIRO SOCKS" first. By doing the "HIRONOBA EXERCISE" in your own way and wearing the "YOSHIRO SOCKS", you can improve the effectiveness of treatment at the first visit and save time and explanation about the treatment (more time can be spent on treatment).

Reservations and inquiries to YOSHIRO STUDIO

Keiro Yuasa
Doctor of Toe (Physical Therapist)
Leading expert in toe research. Physical therapist. Director of the Toe Research Institute. President of the Japanese Society of Functional Toe Therapy. Developer of Hironoba Gymnastics, YOSHIRO SOCKS, YOSHIRO INSOLE, and Halmek shoes. Conducted research at the University of Tokyo and International University of Health and Welfare. Former director, vice president, medical director, and head of the day-care rehabilitation center at General Hospital. He has appeared on "Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia)," "NHK Gatten," "NHK BS Beauty and Youth no Shin Chokkan (New Common Sense)," "NHK Sakidori," and many other TV programs, and has written many books including "Grab a Toe in Just 5 Minutes and Your Back and Hips Will Never Swing Again! (PHP Publishing Co., Ltd.) and many other books. He is co-developing fashionable orthopedic shoes with Halmek.
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